Chapter 23: The Legacy of Thor 2/3

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With Dante and Tersly

Dante Vale: Thor was a seeker?

Tersly: It's not everything. I believe his hammer is actually an ancient atrefact. during the war against Nullifiers. This would explain why he was so powerful that people thought he was a god.

Again with Alex, Lok and Sophie

Lok Lambert: There is.

Sophie Casterwill: Hey you, stop!

Alexander Sario: I don't think he listened. Let's chase him.

Sophie Casterwill: He slipped out of us.

Alexander Sario: Damn it!

Lok Lambert: Not yet, he is there! Hyperstride!

Sophie Casterwill: Lok. 

Lok Lambert: I'm sure I saw him here.

Alexander Sario: I'm sorry, Lok. But most likely it was an illusion to deceive us. Let's go back, we should report it to Dante.

Dante Vale: Report what to Dante.

Sophie Casterwill: Were you following us?

Dante Vale: I heard the call. What happened?

Lok Lambert: Someone was standing outside the museum window serving us. But we didn't see his face.

Dante Vale: And he managed to escape?

Alexander Sario: Unfortunately.

Sophie Casterwill: He could be anywhere.

Lok Lambert: Do you have any idea what this might be, Dante?

Dante Vale: None, but we'll all find out soon enough.

Two days later, Iceland

Lok Lambert: You know I usually like adventure. But this is absurd, I don't feel my face since we left the airport.

Alexander Sario: And what did you expect from one of the most icy countries in the world.

Cherit: Don't be upset, Lok. Just go ahead, you can do it.

Sophie Casterwill: Dante, do you know how far we still have to go?

Dante Vale: I will check it right away. Well, I loaded Tersly's data into my Holotome, but I only know that we are going in the right direction.

Lok Lambert: It didn't cheer me up at all.

Alexander Sario: Lok does not complain. At least, we don't have any Organization agents on our backs, at the moment.

Dante Vale: It's a matter of habit, we'll stay here for a while.

(after walking a few kilometers, the Huntik team was surprised by a snowstorm.)

Dante Vale: No point in going any further into a storm like this, we're gonna set up camp down there. (He points his finger at a small area of pine trees, which is great for wind protection.)

<Evening, in a tent>

Sophie Casterwill: This is very interesting, according to the book Tersly gave me. There are nine worlds in Norwegian mythology, connected with each other by a rainbow bridge called Bifröst. Of the highest of these worlds, that is Azgaard, was defending Thor and his hammer, Mjølner.

Lok Lambert: Fascinating. (He speaks with a slight sarcasm in his voice)

Sophie Casterwill: Moreover, it is written that many nations worshiped him as the god of righteousness, storm and strength. This is why Tersly believed Thor was a seeker.

Lok Lambert:  You read too much.

Alexander Sario: And you, Lok, don't read enough. But indeed Sopie, we should get some sleep before tomorrow.

Sophie Casterwill: Alex is right about both, we should get some sleep.

(Strange noises)

Cherit: It's me, open it quickly.

(Sophie opens the tent, and the next moment Cherit flies into the tent like burned.)

Alexander Sario: Cherit, are yopu okey?

Lok Lambert: You look scared.

Cherit: Do not worry about me. Someone's out there.

Sophie Casterwill: Someone? or maybe something?

Cherit: Lok, Alex do something?

Alexander Sario: Be quiet.

Alex silently exits the tent, ready to face whatever may be outside. When he sees the outline of the silhouette with her back to him, she approaches it quickly and cuts the mysterious figure.

Zhalia Moon: Alex, what's wrong with you. We're on the same side, kid.

Alexander Sario: Zhalia? What are you doing here?

Zhalia Moon: Except that I was sneakily attacked by a novice like you? Dante, he wanted me to join.

Alexander Sario: Sorry. I just heard something going around our camp and acted instinctively. (Helps the woman to get up from the snow)

Zhalia Moon: I understand. Where is Dante, I want to talk to him.

Dante Vale: Zhalia! I'm glad you got to us.

Zhalia Moon: You're lucky I know the location spell. Otherwise, I would have turned back a long time ago.

Sophie Casterwill: I'm glad to see you, Zhalia.

Zhalia Moon: Do not be kind, princess. So let me guess, you haven't found the Temple of Thor yet.

Dant Vale: You guessed it.

Lok Lambert: But we were going in the right direction. That is, before the blizzard.

Zhalia Moon: Trust me, it could have been much worse. I prefer the blizzard than the guards. (she sits down by the fire.)

Alexander Sario: The guardians? Who are these Guardians?

Dante Vale: Well, you've heard of them too.

Sophie Casterwill: Wait, but what are you talking about?

Lok Lambert: Exactly what we are talking about.

Zhalia Moon: Ignorance? It is about an ancient sect called "Guardians of Thor". They have been in existence for several thousand years, and they cultivate the customs of the Norse gods.

Lok Lambert: Something tells me that they are responsible for protecting the temple and the artifacts there.

Zhalia Moon: That's not all, Junior. The organization slipped into their little bunch, so you see. They already know we're getting closer. And they won't give up without a fight.

< the temple of Thor>

Elder Guardian of Thor: Guardians of the temple of the god Thor. Defenders of the Hammer Mjølner. Descendants of the Asa dynasty. Let the Titan Ymir wake up from his dream. But first, we have to recite an ancient Asgard spell together.

All the guardians of the Temple of Thor: Ymir, hear us! Hear our prayers and give us holy protection! We implore you! We are calling you! Reveal yourself!

<Back with the group>

Dante led his team across the road to the temple.

Dante Vale: Watch your feet, if you do not stand well, you land on the ridge.

Lok Lambert: How many have we gone through so far?

Alexander Sario: You're moaning again, Lok.

Dante Vale: Five kilometers maybe more.

Zhalia Moon: The snow has already ruined my new boots. Is there any reason why we do not move with spells?

Sophie Casterwill: Dante, told us to save our powers.

Alexander Sario: Remember that we will have to confront the guards of Thor.

To be continue...

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