Chapter 43

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It was hard to keep private thoughts when you're in a pack where everyone has access to each other's thoughts. Renata tried her best to avoid thinking about the night of Jacob's birthday, but sometimes she slipped and some images would pop through. Needless to say, it was something Sam, Jared and Paul had no desire to watch. To Renata's surprise, Jared seemed the angriest, and Paul had just altogether refrained from making any comments, but he showed his disapproval by ignoring Renata.

"He's my boyfriend, Jared. Besides, it's not like any of you can control their thoughts either, we've all seen private things about one another" Renata confronted him after a day of the two of them patrolling.

"Yes, but it's different, Renata" Jared told her seriously, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Why? Cause you're a guy and I'm a girl? I had sex, Jared, just like you, just like Sam, just like Paul, and I enjoyed it, why is it such a big deal?" Renata said, annoyed.

"Yeah, it different but not because we are guys it's just-"

"Oh, please Jared, don't try to justify yourself, you are being downright sexist, when you get glimpses of Paul or Sam, you laugh, or you just don't say anything, but now that it's me, you're lecturing me"

"Is everything okay?" Emily asked, she had heard the screams and went to see what was happening.

"Yes" Jared said, trying to calm the situation.

"No" Renata said, glaring at Jared, who usually was her best friend, "I had sex with Jacob the other day, and this bunch" She pointed at the three boys, "are now apparently morally higher than me"

"We're not, we are just worried about you" Sam told her. 

"Guys, we all have a sexual life," Emily said, trying to act as a mediator, "and as long as it's between two consensual people, it's nobody's business but their own" Emily said seriously, Sam lowered his head and nodded, "Now, give her a break, you can worry about her without putting her down"

The following days were calmer, Paul stopped ignoring Renata and Jared returned to his normal cheerful self. They were hanging out, eating cookies at Emily's house when Leah entered the house running, she was trying to catch her breath.

"Leah, is everything okay?" Sam asked, standing up quickly to check on her.

"Embry Call" Leah said simply, and stuffed a cookie into her mouth.

"What about him?" Renata stood up worriedly.

"He's shifting, my mom's with him, but he's in pain" Leah told them.

"Show me" Renata said seriously.

Leah and Renata ran out of the house at full speed. Everything around them seemed like a blur, but in less than a minute, they were at the edge of the forest behind Leah's house. Sue Clearwater was kneeling on the ground over Embry, who was howling in pain. Renata kneeled next to him and put his head on her lap.

"Ren" Embry breathed out. His body was contorting in abnormal angles, and Renata could hear his bones breaking and rearranging, "make it stop, please" he sobbed, Renata tried to shush him, caressing his hair, his skin was burning with fever.

"You'll be okay" Renata told him softly, "I promise, the pain is going to end"

It was hard for Renata to see Embry in such pain, back home, her mother would give some tea to make the first transformation as painless as possible. Renata took out her phone from her jeans and handed it to Leah.

"Call my mom and put her on speaker, please" Renata asked Leah. The phone rang two times and then Karina picked up, "mami"

"Hola, nena, ¿Todo bien?" Karina asked.

"Un amigo está transformándose por primera vez, tiene mucho dolor, ¿Qué tenía el té que que le dabas a los primerizos?" Renata asked, trying to hold Embry still.

"Okay, okay, tienes que hervir Valeriana, es un sedante muy potente pero es importante para que no tenga dolor. Después de la primera transformación denle té de lavanda con manzanilla, que lo tome por unos tres días, dos veces al día y después de las siguiente tres transformaciones" Karina said calmly, she could feel her daughter's fear through the phone, "Quédate calmada, Reni, recuerda que parte de tus sentimientos se reflejan en ellos. Puedes hacerlo, nena, tienes la fuerza de tu grandeza"

"Gracias, ma, te amo, luego te llamo" Renata told her and Leah hung up, "Leah, I need you to go to the botanic store in Port Angeles and buy valerian, chamomile and lavender. It's faster if you run" Leah nodded and immediately turned around and started running.

Paul, Sam and Jared had already arrived, and watched as Embry contorted in pain. He open his mouth and let out a silent scream, his face was red, and veins popped from under his skin. Renata told Paul and Jared to carry Embry to the forest behind Emily's house. Sam ran ahead to let know Emily not to come out in case Embry lost control, he'd wait for them to arrive in his wolf form.

"Man, I remember how much it hurts" Jared mentioned, Renata remembered him, Paul and Sam had to undergo their first transformation without any pain relief, and Sam had to go through it alone, "my first lasted two days, his seems to be going faster"

"Yeah, poor guy, the rearranging of the bones is the worst" Paul said, feeling how Embry's bones moved under his skin.

"I remember yours, Paul, Harry Clearwater found you in your house, and brought you over to Emily's" Jared said, mostly for Renata to know how their transformations have been.

"I remember the car ride" Paul nodded.

"It was a fast transformation, it took you only thirty minutes since you arrived to Emily's, but then we couldn't get you to change back, do you remember?"

"Yeah, in my defence, I was scared to death"

"Not only that" Jared chuckled and turned his head to see Renata, "he resisted Sam's alpha voice three times"

"That's impressive, Paul" Renata knew how hard it was, Daniel had used his voice on René and Rodrigo once and while René complied, Rodrigo tried to resist it, and it had hurt it, "have you ever resisted my voice?" She asked out of curiosity.

"Nah, I've never been able to resist you" Paul said, "doesn't mean I haven't tried, I just can't find myself doing it"

Renata walked up to see if Leah was Already at Emily's, so Jared and Paul were left alone with a convulsing Embry. They had to be careful, they didn't want to cause him more pain that what he already felt.

"Dude, you're totally into her" Jared teased Paul.

"What?" Paul squinted his face and looked at Jared like a madman.

"Come on, 'I've never been able to resist you'? And I saw you smile while you said it. You totally like her!" Jared accused him.

"Do you want to shut up? She has super hearing"

"Okay, okay, sorry" Jared lowered his voice, Paul rolled his eyes, "but be honest with me, man. You are the one that said the least about her and Jacob, what did you really feel?"

"I don't want to talk about it, okay? It took me a lot to keep myself under control when we found out. I want her to be happy, and if that's with Jacob, it doesn't matter what I think or feel" Paul said as they arrived to Emily's, where Leah and Renata were waiting with a cup of warm liquid.

"Embry, I need you to do a great effort for me, and try to drink this" Renata told him, passing her hand over his hair. He slowly nodded, "it's going to be okay, I promise"

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