Chapter 26

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As soon as the crimson liquid touched the white carpet, everyone except Bella thought one thing and one thing only: BLOOD. Edward was the first to react, he looked at Jasper and moved an inch closer to Bella. Renata was next, her instincts kicked in, they screamed at her, DANGER! Jared was danger at that moment. He was going for the kill and Renata could not allow it. It was her duty to protect humans from vampires. Differently from Edward who stood defensively in front of Bella, Renata went straight to Jasper. All of this happened in the matter of half a second, the others reacted half a second too late. Renata was strong but there was only so much she could do between a vampire and his prey. She somehow managed to run up to Jasper at the middle of the way to Bella without falling on her face or spraining her ankles. With her forearms for support to push Jasper backwards, she tried to push, but Jared struggled, he didn't care this was Renata, the girl he knew since she was a kid, the girl he was friends with, she was only another obstacle between him and his next meal. Like many animals, vampires tend to protect and attack using his teeth, so he did what was natural to him, in his struggling, Renata's arm came too close to his mouth and he bit down, his teeth going through her forearm. If she had been a mortal, Renata would have probably died right there, but her blood was also shifter blood, the same smell vampires found repulsive was inside her. Turns out Jasper found it downright disgusting because he stopped biting and used Renata's shock and pain -a split of a moment of distraction- to throw her like a ragdoll and keep charging at his prey, a perfectly normal human with strangely attractive blood. While Edward pushed Jasper aside with one hand, he pushed Bella back with the other, sending them both in different directions.

Renata tore off her stupid shoes and was back on her feet, tackling Jasper to the ground once he wanted to get back up, because apparently, Edward had sent Bella right into a glass table and the half an inch cut she had had on her finger ended up as a three inch cut in her arm. Renata had now to worry about seven hungry vampires. She was about to call for the pack, she would if she had to, because Renata knew that if they tasted human blood now, they would not stop here, they would hunt and that was something she could not allow. That's when Carlisle got close enough to Bella to check on her, Renata was tempted to go to her side. It was her duty to protect humans, but if she let go off Jasper, there was no turning back.

"Son, take Jasper away" Carlisle spoke to Emmet, who nodded eagerly and helped Renata to restrain Jasper. Emmet was surprisingly controlled, more than almost everyone except for Carlise, who was as calm as if they were in a picnic, oh yes, a common Cullen family reunion, we have cake -oh, and my son might try to kill you- bring your own drinks!

Rosalie and Alice followed as they dragged Jasper away, not long after, Esme was right behind them. Emmet told the three women to grab Jasper, even with Renata, they had a hard time with Jasper, he was the second strongest after Emmet and that was when he wasn't in a frenzy. Not long after, Emmet returned from the garage with a long chain, which he used to chain Jasper to a thick tree while he trashed around and tried to escape.

"Oh God, Renata, your arm" Esme said, she gave a step forward but then three steps back, afraid of what the smell would make her do. Renata's white sweater was drenched in bright crimson blood.

"It's okay, look" Renata calmed her as she got her arm near Jasper's face. Jasper smelled the blood and flattened his back to the tree, trying to get away from Renata, "Jasper bit me"

"What?" Five voices exclaimed at the same time. Edward had arrived just in that moment after Carlisle shooed him so he could stitch Bella. Esme was beyond worried, there was no way the wolves would forgive them from turning Renata, they would kill them all.

"Chillax, no pasa nada" Renata tried to calm them down, "I mean, it stings like hell but I'm fine. Shifters cannot turn into vampires, we just suffer in silence. In some cases, sí nos mata pero tienen que ser muchas, it only kills us if there are many bites" Renata told them. The only reason her dad had turned was because he was not Itzá from birth so he didn't carry the shifter gene.

"You should go see Carlisle to get you checked" Rosalie told her, grabbing her arm to check on the wound, it had a green tone around it, Renata's blood smelled plain disgusting, so there was no way she would be tempted to bite her. Renata took off her sweater and threw it to Emmet, who held it as far away from his face as he could.

"Can you tell Bella I'll wait for her by the car. I'll take her home" Edward told Renata, who pursed her lips and nodded.

"If he starts getting crazy, put the drenched sweater near his face" the girl suggested as she walked back to the house.

Inside, there was blood and glass everywhere, Renata could tell where Jasper had bit her, an irregular splash of blood in the middle of the hallway, while where Bella had landed in the table was a regular puddle of blood. The trail went upstairs all the way to Carlisle's study and home office. They would have to do some serious cleaning. It looked like a crime scene. Renata entered Carlisle's study as he was lighting in fire the bandages and equipment he had used on Bella, who looked paler than usual, and that was saying something. Renata hid her arm behind her, the look was nauseating, just from the forest to the house, it had turned from some green around her arm to purplish green with thick yellow pus spurting from the wound, it made Renata want to puke.

"Bella, Edward is ready to take you home" Renata said, putting her hand above her nose, the smell from her wound was starting to get to her. If the same smell she was getting now was what Jasper tasted, she knew why he had thrown her away.

"Thanks" Bella said shortly and quickly left the room and went out the house. Renata had covered her nose from the smell of her wound, Bella thought it was for the smell of her own blood. The human girl still thought Renata was a vampire like the others, although she couldn't be more wrong.

"What is that smell, Renata?" Carlisle asked as he coughed and put his arm against his nose. Renata showed him her arm and he patted the couch in front of him, "seems like your body is trying to force the venom out" Carlisle told her and grabbed a scalpel, a syringe and a bucket which he put below her arm, "the exit is very small, so we're going to make it bigger so it can exit easier" he told the girl, trying not to gag from the smell, he knew vampires couldn't vomit, but he was seriously starting to doubt that.

With the scalpel, Carlisle opened the wound and made it bigger, and then with the syringe he started absorbing the venom and pouring it in the bucket, along with what was naturally oozing from the wound, her arm slowly turned back to its normal caramel color in a matter of an hour. Carlisle had wrapped a piece of cloth drenched in alcohol around his nose and mouth so the smell of the wound and the bucket didn't get to him. Once he checked no more venom left the wound and the only thing oozing when he pressed on it was blood, he stitched Renata's arm and flushed the contents of the bucket down the drain, and then poured a liter of chlorine to the bucket to get rid of the smell. Renata had puked two times during that hour, the smell was not tolerable.

"Well, that was fun" Carlisle said as he took the cloth from his head.

"Yeah, ha, ha. Next time you have a party, no me inviten, please" Renata told him, she was still a little green in her face from the nausea, "I better go back to the rez, you guys have a lot to discuss" Renata told him. Carlisle nodded and smiled at her apologetically for the trouble of the evening.

To: Sam
Hey, I'm on my way back. Don't freak out, I fell on the way to the Cullen's and Carlisle stitched me up.

Renata sighed and hoped Sam swallowed it. If they knew Jasper had bit her, even if he didn't mean to, the treaty would end and the pack would attack, and Renata didn't want that. She would not condone any action against the Cullen's unless they did something purposely wrong that broke the treaty.

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