Chapter 5 - The truth

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Reyna's POV
The scent of freshly cooked waffles woke me up. Annie was cooking something that made my stomach growl. I hurriedly took a shower and got dressed.

" Good morning Annie," I said smiling "Morning. I can see the sun has risen"
I knew she was referring to me. She's right, I feel much better than I did yesterday.

"What's for breakfast?"
"Waffles with honey syrup and a lemonade" "Hmm, sounds and smells yummy"
"Sit let's eat"

After breakfast, we sat on the couch for a moment. I wanted to bring up the topic that had been bothering me for a while, but I didn't know where to begin; since she didn't wanna open up the last time I asked.

"I think I should get going Annie," I said hoping she'd make me stay.
"Just stay a little while," she said
Okay, on to the next phase.

"Okay... Um... Annie" I started, pausing a bit.
"Yeah?" She replied fixing her gaze on me.
"There's something I wanna ask you. It's been bothering me for quite a long time now" I paused again.
"Okay. Ask me"
"Annie, why don't you stay at the house anymore? Why don't you and mom talk anymore? Why did you decide to live all by yourself?" I asked in the hope to get answers.
She sighed. For a moment I thought she was gonna avoid it.

"I guess it's time I told you the truth" she paused before continuing. I was finally gonna know everything.
"It happened 4 years ago. You were in college then. Mom wanted me to get married and I agreed but little did I know that he was a wealthy billionaire in his mid 40's. We weren't at our prime yet. We were struggling with bankruptcy. I confronted mom; I told her that he was twice my age but she didn't wanna listen she just said 'he's rich and your marriage to him will bring us financial stability and make yourself useful, don't mess it up for your dad and me'. I agreed to do it for our family but before we got married he said he wanted to meet up and that I should come over to his house. Mom said I should go. I went and.."

she paused as tears flowed down her eyes. I moved closer to her and put my hand on hers. I couldn't relate to how much she was hurting, but I felt terrible.

" He..he sexually assaulted me that night" she cried harder and I pulled her into a hug. That's... Cruel. She didn't deserve to go through something like that.

"I wanted to call mom but I knew what she was gonna say 'it's not a problem Annie. You'll be married to him soon. So I called the cops instead. They arrested him with just a towel around his waist. The female cops took me to the hospital."

She paused, I was feeling so bad for her. I didn't know she went through all this.

"I went home to mom and dad waiting for me. I guessed that they may have heard what happened. I was expecting mom to console me but she just yelled at me saying 'why on earth did you call the cops on him ?'
'mom he sexually assaulted me' I told her in case she wasn't filled in on that part.
' so what? That doesn't give you the right to get him arrested'

I was short of words. 'mom!' I yelled at her 'you're a woman for crying out loud. You should be consoling me as my mother. Since when did money become of much more value than me mom' she didn't say a word and I yelled 'Answer me mom!' ' yes. It's of much more value than you and now we're back to being bankrupt thanks to your foolish act ' she said and I just stood there crying. Dad didn't utter a single word. I went to my room and cried my eyes out. I couldn't get any sleep. I decided to move out and with the help of Tasha, I got this place since then mom never spoke to me nor did she call to check if I was alive and okay. Dad didn't do anything either" she said as she wiped away her tears. I couldn't believe mom was that cruel towards her daughter. I wanted to despise her but I just couldn't.

" I'm so sorry Annie. I didn't know you went through all that and I can't believe mom did that to you " I said trying my best to console her.

"I knew you wouldn't believe me"
"Annie that's not what I meant. I believe you" I said hugging her. The last thing I wanted, was for her to think I wasn't on her side.

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