Chapter 10 - Honeymoon tickets

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Reyna's POV
"Why is the pillow so hard" I mumbled in my sleep, hitting the pillow hoping it will get a little bit soft.

"Ow! Pillow?" A voice said. I ignored it but then, there was constant banging on the door.

- knocking continues

I forced my eyes open. I was sleeping so close to my husband ( that strange word again) I was sleeping on his chest and his right hand was on my waist, securing me in place.

Oh no! I just realized something.
"You remember right? Is the pillow comfy enough?" He grinned.

"Good morning," I said with a faint smile trying to leave the bed but he held me back in place.

"Going somewhere??" He said with a smirk.

"Um... I don't know how I ended up on your chest. I usually stay in one position all night.
The new environment I guess. Um.. sorry about calling your chest a pillow and hitting you so hard" I rambled on and buried my face under the sheets.

He took the sheets off and just kept staring at me.


"Rise and shine, newlyweds. It's 9 am already. Andre woke up already and I left Reyna's suitcase by the door. Hurry and come down for breakfast. "

I cleared my throat "um.. we should get ready" I said getting out of bed.

I rushed into the washroom before he could say anything.

Everything was set already. I took a seat beside Andre.
"Mommy, can I have peanut butter on my bread?" Little Layla said.
"It seems like we're out of peanut butter sweetie," Courtney said and I just stared at Andre.

I didn't intend on using it all. He just smiled and told me not to worry.

I was sitting on the couch with Andre after having breakfast.
"Reyna dear, how are you adapting?"
"I'm adapting just fine, thank you" I replied to my mother-in-law.
"I'm glad. If my son gives you a hard time, let me know and I'll scold him for you." She said and I just smiled.

"Aunt Rayner," Layla said sitting in between me and Andre.
"It's Reyna, not Rayner," Andre said
" I wanna call her aunt Rayner. It's fine with you right aunt Rayner?"
"Aw! Isn't she so adorable? Yeah it's okay with me Layla"
"Okay. I wanna show you something. Come with me, aunt Rayner"

I followed her and she lead me to her room.
She was drawing something but she wouldn't let me see it. Just yesterday she was super shy to look at me and now she's just-
"Take a look aunt" she interrupted my thoughts.

She showed me her drawing and it was a cute amateur drawing of us. She was putting on a hat in the drawing and we were holding hands.
"This is beautiful Layla"
"Thank you"

After some time layla fell asleep. I laid her on the bed and left.

"Your husband has been waiting for you." my mother-in-law said.

I turned to him and he was awfully quiet.
I sat beside him. I was about to say something when my father-in-law approached us.

"Here, your wedding gift," he said handing us an envelope.
"Dad, what's in here?" Andre asked while I opened the envelope.

It was honeymoon tickets.
"Honeymoon tickets. We've planned a one-month-long honeymoon for the both of you"

One month? It's so long.

"A month? But dad.." Andre was interrupted by his mom.
"Andre, I hope you can trust our decision. You both are like strangers to each other. A month is enough time for you both to get to know each other"

"Reyna, are you fine with this?" Andre suddenly asked me.

"Mm. Yeah I'm fine with it"
"Okay. where is the Destination?"
"A holiday home in honey bay island," his parents said in unison.
"Okay. We'll go"
" Your flight is 4 am the day after tomorrow. The airport is a two-hour drive away from home. So I suggest you go over to Reyna's house tomorrow. Since the airport is just a 30-minute drive away"

"Okay mom"
"lastly make sure to give Reyna a tour of the house, even though you won't be living here"
"Okay dad," he said and we walked to our room in silence.

He gave me a tour of the whole house, and by the time we were done, it was evening already.

I didn't have to unpack.
"Do you need help packing?" I asked him.
"No, thank you," he said with a smile.

Once he was done packing, we lay on our sides and slept comfortably.

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