Chapter 1- The news

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Reyna's POV
My life was slowly becoming a horror movie. I had cried all day in the comfort of my pillow which was now soaked in tears. The trashcan in my room, at my bedside, was filled with used rolls of tissue paper.

I lifted my head from my cozy bed to the sound of my vibrating phone and made use of my sharp ears to trace where I had unintentionally dumped it. There it was- on my bedside drawer.

I sat up and wiped my eyes with my blue face towel laying on my bed before answering the call, not bothering to check who the caller was as my vision was a bit blurry.
"Hello? Reyna, can you hear me?", a voice came through at the other end.

It was my big sis, Annie.

I didn't want anyone to know how I was currently faring, but my coarse voice betrayed me. "Hey, sis", I sniffed my tears.
"Wait a second, Reyna. Are you crying?".
"No, I... I'm not", I lied, even if she knew I was already.

"Reyna, you can't keep lying to me. You know you can tell me anything, right?". She was right, I could tell her anything. She was the only one I could confide my secrets in.
"Yeah, I know...", I paused in a deep sigh. "It's mom again", I finally spilled out the beans.

"Mom? What has she done this time?", she asked in a concerned tone.
"She announced to me earlier that I'm gonna be getting married in exactly two months from now, which is against my wish, to a man I know nothing about".

I broke down in another phase of tears.

"I'm so sorry, baby sis. Did you try to explain things to mum?", Annie asked, sympathetically.
"It was pointless. When I tried objecting to it, mum literally shunned me, saying I should honor the Neil's name. I don't know what to do, sis", I cried out.

"Sorry about mom's behavior. Take it easy with yourself, please. I'll see what I can do about this. Please, just promise me that you won't cry anymore", Annie pleaded.
I smiled at her words of encouragement, "I promise, sis. Thanks a lot, I just wish you could stay here with me".

"I wish the same too, but I'm sorry. I can't come back home", she blurted out. It's been close to two years since I last saw her. She had been away for such a long time and no one was willing to tell me the real reason she left.

"Is there anything I need to know, Annie? Ever since I left for college, I haven't seen you around. You only told me that you had issues with mom when I asked you. I want you to open up everything to me. I'm of age to know certain things now, right?", I asked, hoping she would tell me.

"Reyna, it has been years. I need you to bear with me, I just don't wanna talk about it at this point. I've gotta get back to work. I love you,  Reyna. Muah", her lips smacked and the call got disconnected before I got the chance to bid her goodbye.

I stared at the ceiling, wondering what must have transpired between mom and big sis. I sighed, knowing it was the least of my problems. I had a bigger issue to tackle.
"Reyna...", my mom called out in a loud tone, snapping me out of my thoughts. I didn't waste another second in my room as I raced down to hers. Maybe, she had called off the marriage, I thought. I knocked gently on her door till I was permitted to go in.

"Mom, you sent for me?", I asked, rhetorically,  perhaps I was expecting a reply to my stupid question when I knew quite well that she did.
"Yes, Reyna. Sit next to me" she ordered, patting a small portion of the bed. I didn't hesitate to do so as I simply obeyed her.

"I'm sorry that the news came out as a shock to you, but trust me, it's for the best of your interest and our family as a whole. I assure you that with time, you'll grow to love him. Please, make us proud, Reyna, and don't mess up the Neil's family name. They have a good reputation and high standards", she rang into my ears.

Did she expect me to applaud her?

She didn't care to know if I was listening at all as she still continued. "There will be a meeting with the groom's family tomorrow, at noon. Ensure to be on your best behavior", she warned sternly.

I nodded in response, "Sure, mom". I guessed that those were the only words that could escape my vocal cord. I kicked my ass off the bed, ready to leave.

"I hope you aren't going to the restaurant today. I honestly think you should quit that job. You should know the Neil's family is wealthy and they can afford to pay all your bills. You wouldn't have to owe debts anymore", mom bragged, shamelessly.

Who gave a damn about their money?

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Mom, I'm going to the restaurant today and I will not quit my job, no matter the circumstance", I stood firmly on my ground.

I interrupted right away. "If that's all mom, I'll be on my way", I walked out through the door and banged it, feeling pissed off already. 
The only way I could get rid of the pressure building up in my chest was to bury myself in work.
"Hey, hurry up! We're losing customers", I yelled at the female staff, trying to coordinate others as well. Being the manager of the restaurant was the only thing I earned all by myself and it wasn't like I had a choice. I had always wanted to be a nurse, but mum was in disapproval.

Staying at work wasn't helping matters. I still couldn't get my mind off the fact that I was getting married soon. I didn't even know what his personality seemed to be- rude, cheerful, hilarious, jerky, and annoying. Or, if he was someone that girls were drooling over like the hot guys in movies.

Well, I wasn't gonna know anything until I met him in real life and that was in a few hours. I couldn't wait. It felt as though mum was selling me off for a handsome amount of money. I had no say over her decisions. She literally rules over my life.

Hours went by and it reached the closing time for the restaurant. I waited till everyone was done packing their stuff and out of the place before heading back home.
I got home and opened my room to a collection of beautiful formal dresses laying orderly on my bed. Something else caught my eyes- there was a note attached close to it. I picked it up and read:
[Pick an outfit for tomorrow. But, I will prefer you to wear the royal blue dress ~Mom].

I squeezed the note and threw it on the floor. I wasn't a child anymore, I hissed silently. I couldn't even pick an outfit to wear without mom's opinion on it. Not gonna lie, all the dresses were beautiful, but still.

I just laid on my bed, expecting all my thoughts to vanish. I needed to get a good sleep against the next day. Just as I shut my eyes to sleep, my phone rang out. It was Annie as I expected.

"Hey, sis", I said, forcing out a delightful tone, but it didn't still hide my true emotions.
"Are you still worried about the wedding?", she asked. I was happy that someone was giving me a listening ear.

"I guess. I think I just feel nervous to
meet my future husband and his family tomorrow. The pressure is unbearable", I heaved a sigh of relief after pouring out my heart to Annie. 

"Just relax your mind and stop overthinking it. You should take a good night's rest and watch how it all unfolds tomorrow. If you don't like your husband-to-be, then I will try my best to convince your mom. Okay?", Annie calmed her nerves.

"Okay, sis. She's our mom, not just mine", I pointed out.
"Sure, she is. I will leave you to rest, now. Goodnight, baby sis. I love you, xoxo".
"I love you too. Night night", I blew a kiss through the phone, and with that, Annie ended the call.

Annie was the best sister ever, I smiled at my blank screen, feeling much relieved. I stared into the nothingness of the ceiling till I finally fell asleep.

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