Chapter 67 - The hurt in his eyes

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The past few weeks had been amazing. Dating Mason was everything I dreamt of doing before getting married. It was something I never got to do. He had been nothing but sweet toward me. I was lucky to have him around.

"Hey, beautiful," Mason said walking into my office.
"Hey, did you have breakfast?" I asked walking towards him. He planted a kiss on my forehead.
"I got our breakfast, on my way"
"Aren't you the sweetest?" I blushed.
We ate while casually flirting with each other.
I hadn't smiled this brightly in years. He had a cute smile and he knew how to make me laugh. I found myself falling for him more and more. Was it a good thing though? I was getting rid of any negative thoughts. I was only going to live in the moment.
I found him staring at me and I was wondering what was going on in his mind.
"What are thinking about?" I asked. He looked super serious and stared deep into my eyes.

"I enjoy making you laugh and I'd do anything to keep you smiling. I'm yours, Amelia Jones" he professed and my heart melted. I was all teary-eyed at his profession of love to me.
"Mason-" I choked on my words. I moved closer to where he sat and wrapped my hands around him. Those words were much stronger than the usual three-letter words. I felt his hands brush my shoulder gently.
We stayed like that for a while- I was sitting on his thigh and hugging him; with his hands on my shoulder. None of us uttered a word, we just stayed like that.

It felt like forever in his arms, his phone just had to ring and ruin the moment.
"Amy, I have to take this call," he said
"Okay" I responded without getting up.
"Amy," he said again and I realized he couldn't reach his pocket due to my position.
"Oh, sorry" I chuckled awkwardly before getting up.
He took out his phone and answered the call.
He came back saying he had to leave to attend to urgent issues at his desk.
I was left all alone. I was going to read a Novel in my spare time when Mr.Andre's voice came through the intercom.
"Amelia, please come to my office"
This was new; he usually referred to me as Miss Jones, and he used the word 'please'.

"You called for me?" I said standing at the center of his office. He stared at me seductively before averting his gaze to the window. He was acting weirdly.
"Amelia, do you know what everyone seeks the most? Money excluded" he said. I was confused, what answer was he expecting from me?
"I don't know the answer you're seeking sir,"
"The only thing I seek is.." he paused.
"Genuine happiness. I want to be happy, I'm tired of putting on a facade. I'm tired of acting happy when deep down I'm not. My face hurts every time I fake a smile" he had tears In his eyes, as he stood up from his chair.

"Tell me, Amelia, don't I deserve to be happy?" he said, his eyes held hurt. I pitied him for a moment.
"You deserve to be happy, everyone does" I tried to make him feel better with my words.
"Tsk, not me. How can I find happiness when my heart is broken? How can I be happy when I hate myself? How can I be happy when my insides are rotten? How can I be happy when I'm still traumatized? How can I be happy when I can't love someone without hurting them?-" his voice trailed off as tears streamed down his cheeks. I felt bad for him that I was moved to tears.

"I'm tired. I'm tired of hurting everyone around me." He added. Without thinking twice I wrapped my hands around him. I patted his back continuously.
"It's not your fault. You just have to love yourself first, everything else will fall in place"
He cried on my shoulder and I pulled away but my button got stuck to his necklace; while pulling it my first two buttons broke off.

"Amelia, only you can make me happy, you understand me right? Please.." he pleaded.
"I'm sorry but I can't make you happy. Only you can"
He walked towards me and pinned me to the wall. His eyes scanned my body.
"Please, say you'll make me happy"
"I'm sorry"
He placed his hands around my waist, bringing me closer to him.
"What are you doing? Let go of me" he didn't listen to a word I said.
He traced his fingertips on my face and I felt a rush of deja vu. My body caved into his touch, I stood there not in control of my body. My body had betrayed me.

"Andre," I said as softly as possible.
He crashed his lips on mine before I could finish off my statement. Tears streamed down my cheeks, I'd cheated on Mason.
I gathered the little strength I had and slapped him across the face. I wiped away my tears.
"I'm your best friend's girlfriend" I screamed.
"And the reason why you can't be happy, is you steal people's happiness, and you hurt people with your actions"
He seemed shocked hearing my words but I couldn't care less. He got up and tried to apologize but I wasn't buying it. I flung the door open to see...Mason.

His eyes narrowed down to my undone buttons and then to Andre's lips; which had my lipstick smeared all over. The look in his eyes held hurt and betrayal.
"Mason" I called out in a half-whisper.
He just turned away. I ran after him, I caught up to him and stood in his way.
"It's- not what you think"
"Really? I know what I saw Amelia"
He was hurt, he called me Amelia instead of Amy.
"It was forced, I promise"
He shook his head as if pushing back in tears.

"Forced? Your first two buttons are undone, and your lipstick was on his lips. I can't even hit him 'cause he was clueless about our relationship. How- how could you do this to me, Amelia? I professed my love to you a couple of hours ago and you made out with my best friend? How can I trust you? I want to trust you but I can't after what I just saw. I wish I can unsee it." a tear dropped and I felt horrible. His words hurt me a lot, but I couldn't compare, to how much he was hurting.
"Mason, I would never, it's not my fault. I-
"Save your excuses. I don't want to listen to you right now. I need space"
"Space, Amelia" he yelled and walked away.

I ran into the restroom nearby and cried my eyes out while washing my face. I wanted to get his scent and touch off my body. I ended up soaked in water. I fell to the floor in tears. I was at fault. My relationship with Mason isn't ever going to be the same. I don't even think I can dare to face him. My happiness was short-lived.

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