Chapter 26 - Blind

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Reyna's POV
I opened my eyes to the familiar yet unfamiliar surroundings. I was at the hospital. Annie was sleeping right next to me. I sat up and she moved a little before waking up.

"I'm so glad you're awake. Are you in pain?" She said all teary-eyed.
"Why are you crying? Why am I here?" I asked feeling a mild headache.

"I wanted to ask you what happened, Don't you remember anything?" She asked puzzled. I remember now.
Andre had lost it and hit me.

"I... I remember now... It was Andre..." I told her everything as I cried. She hugged me.
"How could he do that to you?"
"I don't know, Annie. How long have I been here?" I asked.
"Two days. The doctor told me to wait for you to wake up first and that it'll take two weeks for your bruises to fully heal" She looked so worried and pale.

"Have you eaten?" I asked
"How can you worry about me right now? You should worry about yourself first" she avoided the question, meaning she hadn't eaten yet.

"I'm hungry," I said.
"I'll get you something to eat. What would you like?" She asked with a smile.
She was worried about me and not herself.
"A large-sized pizza with pepperoni toppings, two smoothies, and two club sandwiches," I said. Of course, I wasn't gonna eat all that. It was for both of us. she would have starved herself if I let her have her way.
"Okay, I'll be back soon"

"Here." She said putting all I'd ordered on the table.
"Let's eat" I beckoned her
"I'm not h.."
" I know you're not but I don't want to eat alone and I can't finish it all. Eat with me" I said, convincingly.
"Okay, fine" she reluctantly agreed.

There was one thing I was curious about.
How did Annie bring me here? What happened while I was unconscious?
"How did you know to find me?
"I was coming over in the morning to give you your favorite box of chocolate, To celebrate my promotion. I got to your house, I rang the doorbell for several minutes without a response. I pushed the doorknob and to my surprise, the door was opened. I called out to both of you but no response. I was about to leave but I stopped to think; if you both weren't at home the door wouldn't be open.
I went up to your room and found you laying unconscious on the floor, with a lotta bruise. I called an ambulance and that's how you were brought here"

"I'm glad you came to my rescue. Can we go to your place?"
"Yeah, sure. I'll just go sign the discharge papers"


It's been two weeks since the incident occurred. My bruises had cleared up.

I was in my room having convos with my inner voice.

Me: Its been two weeks and I haven't seen
Him. I miss him so much.
Inner voice: how can you be so dimwitted?
You miss someone who almost
Killed you? Gimme a break.
Me: he was drunk and besides I'm fine
Inner voice: it's true what they say is, love is
Blind. I guess you've gone blind to all he did.
Just then the doorbell rang. Maybe Annie's back. I opened the main door, it wasn't was Andre. I was shocked, frightened, and happy to see him.

"D..dre?" I managed to say,
"Reyna," he said and hugged me. I stood there puzzled. He pulled out and was about to kiss me but stopped halfway.
I pulled him close and kissed him.

"Reyna, I'm sorry. It's shameless of me to hug and kiss you after what I did. It's also shameless of me to ask you to come home with me"
"She's going nowhere with you Andre. I trusted You with my sister but you made her suffer for two whole weeks. It's like you've become a whole different person" Annie snapped at him.

"But, Annie.."
"No buts," she said and pulled me inside before shutting the door.
"Annie, I know you care about me a lot but he apologized... "
"I don't care about his fake apology, he hurt you. I know how you must be feeling but even if you go back to him.. he'll end up hurting you the more" she said much calmer.

"Annie I'm at fault. If I hadn't hit him first in his drunken state he wouldn't have done what he did" I tried to see reasons with her but she wasn't adhering to them.
"Now, you're making excuses for his actions? I don't want to go deeper into this... I care about you and I don't want you to get hurt" she said and walked away.

I got a call and it was from Clea.
"Hey cous," she said seeming excited.
"What?" I said wanting to get this call over with.
"That's rude, but I just wanted to thank you" she was confusing me now.
"For what?"
"For making my night by leaving Andre" I didn't just hear that, What did she mean by that?
"What are you talking about?"
"Well, in short, Andre and I have bonded sexually... Okay, gotta go. Bye," she said all chirpy.

I fell to the floor more shattered. I started crying, Annie walked in and hugged me.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"It's Clea, she's rubbing me in the face with the fact that I don't have a $ex life with Andre. She said they'd been hooking up all night. Annie, it hurts" she stroked my hair.
"I can't lose Andre to Clea, Annie please I can't," I said pulling away.
"Get a grip and calm down, don't stress.. what do you want to do?" She asked.

"I think I should go back" I answered wiping away my tears.
"If that's what you want, I won't stop you" she sighed.

"Thank you, Annie"
"I'm being this protective of you because I love you and you're all I've got"

I walked into the house. It was awfully dark and quiet except for the whimpers.
I turned on the lights and saw Andre whimpering.
"Reyna. I'm glad you came" he said wiping his face with his palm.
"Yeah, me too. What's going on? Why are you sitting in the dark and sobbing?"
I asked in to hope to get a clear answer.
"It's nothing. I'm just so sorry and I'm happy you're back"

"I wanna ask you something" I started, nervous. I needed clarity.
"Sure, anything," he said.
"What's going on between you and Clea? Did you get together while I was away?" I questioned expecting a positive response.

"Nothing's going on between us. I was still searching for you and she called me saying you were at her place. I went over and she tried to kiss me but I pushed her away. I'm sorry" he said looking so sincere. I was glad nothing happened, Clea was just being a conniving witch.
"Thanks for being truthful"
"Are you hungry? I'll make something scrumptious" he said walking into the kitchen.

We ate, watched a movie, and ended up snuggling with each other and falling asleep on the couch.

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