Chapter 25 - I'm not ready yet

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Reyna's POV
"Could you give me a minute?" I asked Andre as he was about to leave for work.
"But, I'm running late. Okay, tell me" he said, his eyes fixed on his wristwatch.

"My work leave has expired, I'm supposed to resume work today," I said and I could feel his mood change.

"I don't want you working for that man nor any other man," he said.
"Is that jealously? C'mon Dre, I feel so lonely when you're not with me"
"You're not working for him and that's final"
"And why can't I?" I asked slightly raising my voice.

"Do you see the way he looks at you? He's obviously into you" he said raising his voice,
"Let's say you're right. It's not like he's going to ask me out or something. He knows I'm married to you. I don't see how it'll affect anything"
"Oh, it sure will" he argued.
"I don't wanna be dependent on you.."
"I'm your husband, it's not a problem. My credit card is there for you. Go shopping or do whatever you please with the money but you're not working for him or anyone. I'm late, I'm leaving" he left leaving me annoyed.

I went to work regardless.

As soon as I walked in, James approached me. He wasn't looking happy to see me.

"Boss .."
"Reyna, I appreciate the fact that you came to hand in your letter of resignation directly.. but, never in my life have I been insulted like this.. your husband called to say you were gonna quit, I argued that you are a woman of independence and he cursed at me.. saying that I'm obsessed with you and lots more. I agree that I like you, but I'd never butt into your marriage and no one would work with you and not admire you. Anyways, thanks for being a wonderful manager of this restaurant. I wish you all the best in your married life"

I left feeling angry, sad, and ashamed.

I waited for Andre to get back. When he did, I confronted him.

"Dre, how could you do this to me?"
I asked as soon as he walked in.
"What are you on about?"
"You not only made a mockery of me, but you also made a mockery of my boss. I thought you were better than this. Well... I always mistake your personality. You're being selfish. You just want to assert dominance. You got what you wanted right?" I said and walked away.

I didn't talk to him that night, I went straight to bed.
We settled the next morning. I understood where he was coming from and it was too much for him to make me quit but I didn't wanna rebel.


I was on my phone when Andre came into my room. He gave me a peck on the lips and started leaving trails of kisses down my neck. I had mixed feelings and I stopped him.

"Dre, what are you doing?" I asked.
"What do you mean, what am I doing? I want us to consummate our marriage" he said.
"I know we're husband and wife and that it's only natural for a married couple to consummate their marriage.. but I'm not ready yet. I hope you can understand"  I said and he left the house without a single word.

I was worried that I kept pacing back and forth. Where could he be? It was past midnight and he wasn't back. Did it annoy him that I rejected him?
A few hours passed by and I got a video clip.

Andre's POV
I headed straight to a club and ordered a bottle of Hennessy. I kept drinking nonstop. I looked over at the bar attendant.
"Can I tell you something?" I asked but he didn't say anything, instead, he stopped what he was doing.

"I have a wife which I'd married for over four months now. Can you believe we haven't done it yet? Today, I suggested it and you know what she said? 'I'm not ready yet " I said
The bar attendant didn't utter a word. Well, he'd be dumb if he meddled in a customer's affairs.

"Andre" someone called out. I turned around and it was a lady.. she seemed familiar.

"Who are you? " I asked
" It's me Clea, Reyna's cousin," she said
"Oh okay"
"Can I join you?"
"Sure" I answered

We talked for a while and I ended up telling her everything. It was the alcohol talking.

"That's harsh of Reyna," she said and I only nodded
"Um.. do you maybe want me to do what Reyna couldn't?" She offered.
It was like I wasn't in control anymore. She held my hand as she led me to a room and shut the door.

I got home and I found Reyna waiting for me in our room.
I walked in, and she walked over to me and slapped me across the face.

"How could you do this to me, Dre? And with my cousin" she said showing me a video of clea and I kissing.
We only kissed and I fell asleep before anything else could occur.

"You hit me?" I said boiling with fury, all I could see was red. I pushed her against the wall. I started hitting her not wanting to listen to whatever she had to say. I wasn't myself, I was hurting her but I couldn't stop.

"Dre, please stop. I'm sorry"
"You rejected me proposing a sexual life for us and I went outside to find myself one and you dare hit me for it?"
I didn't mean it but I wasn't in control.

Eventually, she passed out and I left the house.

I came back home two days later, not knowing how to face her after what I'd done.

I walked in, I searched the whole house but there was no trace of her.
What had I done?

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