Chapter 70 - Blackmail

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He...He wasn't Mason. He smirked and sat up staring at me.
"Morning, darling" he giggled.
I wanted to cry but it was of no use, I felt like dying right there on the spot; I had just had $ex with my boss slash boyfriend's best friend. As if the kiss wasn't enough.
"Cat cut your tongue, sweety? From what I remember, you were anything but quiet last night. You kept moa-
"Shut up" I screamed. He was horrible, and he didn't even feel guilty about what he did.

He just laughed like a crazy person.
"I gotta admit you're pretty good in bed. I only wished you weren't saying his name while-
"How could you do this to me?" I cried.
"I didn't do anything to you without your will, sweetheart" I hated the fact that there was a percentage of truth in what he said.

"You- could have just told me I had the wrong person."
"Sweety, I couldn't resist your seduction, especially when you were dressed in that backless bodycon dress. I had my eyes on you all through the night and I guess fate was on my side since you pulled me into this room"

I hated his voice right now, I wanted him mute.
"Can you just stop talking? And stop calling me pet names" I screamed.
"Okay, darling. What are you gonna tell Mason?"
"What?" I asked shocked, what was he going to do? Was he going to blackmail me?

"You heard me. You cheated and you should come clean with him. He doesn't deserve to be cheated on. And I'm not the one at fault"
"It's all your fault. If you-
"Darling, I didn't walk into this room on my own accord, I didn't ask you to let me in between your sexy legs. You permitted me, you dragged me in here, so take responsibility"

"I hate you with every fiber of my being" I wanted to cuss him but the words weren't coming through for me.
"We both know that's a lie. I know you love me, that's why last night happened. You should just break up with Mason and be with me. That way he wouldn't need to know about last night and he wouldn't be heartbroken" he chuckled.
"You wish"

"Tell him, or I'll make you tell him." he threatened.
"Are you blackmailing me?" I asked and he just shrugged.
"You know what? F**k you" I said wrapping myself with the duvet and getting off the bed.
"We did that last night. Wanna go for another round?" he teased, what an a$$hole.

"You should get dressed, I'll see you later," he said and blew an air kiss at me before walking out of the room in nothing but his suit pants. I hurriedly locked the door behind him.
I got into the bathroom and sank into the bathtub. I cried my eyes out and aggressively scrubbed my body with the sponge. I wanted to erase his traces from my body. I began hitting myself, I was stupid, naive, and a complete fool.
I ended up bruising myself but the pain wasn't anything compared to how my heart hurt.

I found some spare clothes in the darkroom; it was a feminine suit and it was luckily my size.
I slumped down into my swivel chair unable to think straight. I turned on my phone and there were 20 messages and 15 missed calls from Annie.
All the messages were repetitions of " where are you? Are you sleeping out? I'm worried"
I just texted her back saying I was at work, so she wouldn't worry.
Right now, I wanted to talk to Mason, if he had responded to my messages, none of this would have happened.

"Where the f**k were you last night?" I said barging into his office. He was alone, which was good. I'd missed him so much but I couldn't help but be mad and blame him for making me cheat on him.
"Amelia...Amy" he looked apologetic, he moved towards me and hugged me. For a minute I forgot why I was angry.
"I'm sorry for ignoring you. I missed you, let's make us work" he said and I cried.

"Why are you crying?" he said wiping my tears. I wanted to be happy that he'd finally forgiven me but I couldn't, I had done something wrong.
"Why didn't you reply to my text, you left me on read," I said raising my voice a little.
"I'm sorry, my phone died as soon as I clicked on it. Ignoring you wasn't my intention; I wanted to look for you but something came up" he said.

"Something just had to come up. 'Cause of that, I did something I shouldn't have and now I'm in a mess and there's no way out"
"What mess? Did something happen?" he asked innocently.
"What didn't happen? I wanted to sort things out between us, but you weren't there and you made me do something that I'm regretting"
"Nevermind" I added wiping away my tears.

"I'm leaving," I said turning around.
"Are you mad at me? Hey, talk to me"
"Not right now Mason, I don't want to talk about it," I said and walked off.

"Mason, I think Amelia has something to say about what happened at the runway," Andre said pointing in my direction.
What was he doing? What was I gonna say?

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