Chapter 34 - Suspicions

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Andre's POV
For the past couple of weeks, I'd noticed things going on. I usually got home before Reyna or we got home at exactly the same time. I didn't wanna suspect her but I wasn't left with a choice. A thought came across to me that maybe she had visited Annie. But Annie was entitled to a day off once a month. So.. where had she been all day for the past weeks? The only question that keeps popping up.

I didn't wanna confront her about her actions. I was just going to wait and see.

Later that night...
* Buzz buzz*
A phone kept vibrating, and I reached out for my phone on the bedside table. The screen turned on and it wasn't my phone that was ringing. The time was 1 Am.
It seemed like it was Reyna's phone that was ringing.

She groaned before reaching out for it. She picked it up and answered it.
"Hello," she said in a coarse voice
"Hey, I'm sorry for calling you this late, am I perhaps disturbing? I could call back in the morning" a male voice came through the other end. She had put it on speakerphone by accident when she answered.

Of course, he was disturbing, whoever he was.

"No, you're not. Andre's asleep, I'll just leave the room so I don't wake him" she said glancing in my direction.
I pretended to be fast asleep. She got out of bed and left the room.

He knew she was married and he dared to call her in the middle of the night.

I followed her and stopped when I saw her take a sit on the stairway. I could barely hear what she was saying.

"Yeah... Am I free for dinner tomorrow?.. um ..not really. I have to make dinner for Andre before he gets back...He gets back, sometimes at 7 pm or 8 pm depending on his schedule... Okay, dinner at 5:30 pm is fine by me. You're picking me up?... Oh okay, I'll see you tomorrow then... Yeah is that the reason you called? To ask me to dinner tomorrow night?" She laughed.

"You couldn't wait? Okay..see you tomorrow" she said and the call was disconnected.

I went back to our room and lay on my side using my hand as a prop. I stared at the door waiting for her to get in.

She did and she shrieked." You startled me." She said getting into bed. She laid her head on my chest, getting comfy.
"Where did you go? I woke up and you weren't in bed" I asked.
"Oh, I went to take a call"
"Really? Who was it?" I thought she was going to lie and use the bathroom as an excuse but she didn't.

"It was a wrong number. It's nothing, let's go to bed" she'd just lied to me.

Meaning something was going on between her and the male caller and I was going to figure it all out.

I couldn't get any sleep. The thought of Reyna having an affair was heart-wrenching... I didn't wanna think about it but it kept popping up.

"Good morning" she whispered into my ears.
"Morning" I got outta bed and straight to the washroom.

"I made breakfast--
I cut her off.
"I'm not hungry. I'll see you later" And with that, I left.
Yeah, I'm upset.. about the fact she lied, about the fact that I was suspicious of her.

He was gonna pick her up by 5:30 pm.
"Sir," my secretary said snapping me out of my thoughts.
"How may I help you?"
"Sir, you have a meeting by 5:30 pm"


"Cancel it"
"Reschedule it for tomorrow and take the rest of today off. You've earned it" I said grabbing my jacket.
"Okay sir" she seemed elated but she knew better than to show it.

"I'll be leaving now," I said and left.
It was 4:00 pm when I got to my car. I drove as fast as I could... I had to get there before he did.

I pulled up in the driveway and saw Reyna talking to a man.
"Reyna," I said shutting the door of my car.

She turned and so did the man.
"Andre? you're not supposed--
"To be back so soon?" I finished off her sentence.
"Well, yeah," she answered.

"Who is he?" I questioned, trying so hard to keep a calm tone.
"He's Derek; he's a friend from high school and I was about to have dinner with him. Why?"
"He's your husband?" The so-called Derek asked.
"Got a problem with that?" I asked taking a good look at him.

Got to admit he was quite handsome, far more threatening than James ever was.

"No, I don't. Just curious" he responded.
He was too outspoken and fearless for my liking.

Hate at first sight?

"Reyna, inside now," I said my gaze still fixed on him.
"Inside, Now" I raised my tone.
Derek moved to where she was.
"You should go. We'll talk later okay?"
"Okay," she answered before leaving.

He moved closer to me.
"You don't deserve her" his temerity was shocking.
"And you do?"
"Yeah and I'mma steal her away from you" he smirked at me.
He patted me on the shoulder before leaving.

He makes you insecure right?

A voice popped up in my head.
I couldn't deny it but I wasn't gonna admit it either.

"The person who called last night was him right?"
I questioned her while she was cooking in the kitchen.

"Yes," she said without looking at me.
"Why did you lie?"
" 'cause...I didn't want you to get the wrong idea"
I lost it and I pinned her to the wall.
"The wrong idea that you're having an affair with him?"
"It's... nothing like that... I just--
"Just save it. I don't want you to leave the house. Am I clear? I don't want you talking to Derek too."

"Hand over your phone" I yelled.
She reluctantly stretched it forward.
I snatched it and smashed it against the wall.
"That's sorted."And with that, I left.

Days went by pretty fast. She was without a phone, yeah I smashed it and I don't regret it one bit. She didn't leave the house too.

I had someone watching her.

I got home and I met her watching a movie.
I walked to her and planted a kiss on her cheek.
Her cheek was moist; She was crying.. and she was watching a romantic movie??

"You're back? Dinner is in the fridge. You only need to microwave it" she said without looking at me.

I freshened up and ate. I sat beside her on the couch and I took the remote.
"Don't change it" she said sternly still focused on what she was watching.
"I've got a football match to watch and besides this is the second time you're watching it"
I wasn't watching the movie but I could tell, the scene was repeated.

"Watch your football match on the tv in our room"
She was acting strange. Doing things she never liked or did before.

Days passed and she still watched romantic movies, crying every time she watched them. The strange thing was that it was the same movie.
I was feeling worse by the day...she wasn't talking to me. Well, only when she thought it was needed.
It was like she was a totally different person.

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