Chapter 52 - Take it or leave it..

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"Annie... I found the perfect job" Amelia said beaming with a smile.
"Which is it this time?"Annie asked getting tired of the phrase-"perfect job"

"It's a head chef's vacancy at Boston. The amazing thing is; it comes with an apartment and I get the weekends off. The pay is nice too."
"That's amazing."
"Yeah... I have to be in Boston by noon tomorrow. For the interview"
"Need help packing?"
"Nah. I've got it covered, thanks"

The interview went well, and she was called for the job. She got the apartment, but the thing was she had to pay a whole lot of bills. 'Cause the supposed former head chef left a lot of unpaid bills. She had to clear the bills, then pay for the ones she was about to use.

It was frustrating, paying for something you didn't use. Her paycheck was almost gone after she'd made the payment.

She worked throughout the week before getting the weekends off. She went home for the weekends. She'd missed Jasmine, Zach.. everyone.

"Mommy" Jasmine said running into Amelia's arms.
"My Jasmine. I missed you so much" Amelia said kissing her forehead, cheeks, and all over her face.
" Mommy, stop." She giggled.
"Where's your aunt?"
" She's putting Zach to sleep"

"Help me with the bags sweetie"
"Okay mommy," she said grabbing the handbag.

"You're back..welcome back, I missed you"
Annie said hugging her.
"I missed you too"
" So how's the job?"
"It's great but I had to pay a lot of debts-
"Debts? But you just got there" Annie said in disbelief.

"That's what I thought too but I had to. It was for the apartment, the former chef left a lot of unpaid bills and I had to pay if I wanted the job. I had to pay upfront for my bills too. At the end of the day, I had only a thousand bucks left in my paycheck. Took a"
" That's messed up"
"I know right..but, we get reviews every week. Per positive review gets a thousand bucks as tips to the specific employee mentioned in the review. I hope I get nice reviews.."
"What happens if it's a bad review? I'm just curious"
"Pay-cut. A thousand bucks deduction per bad review"

" We have nothing to worry about. You'll have good reviews for sure" Annie assured.
"Thanks.. let's check it out on the restaurant's website."

Joy227: The new head chef is such a bossy b**ch. She's too saucy, she's bad at her job too. I think she got the job through nepotism.

"What?! Nepotism? I worked hard...I"
"Don't overthink it. I'm sure it's one of your colleagues who's jealous of your position. Let's check other reviews"
Amelia just nodded her head.

Anonymous; Her food tastes bad. I got food poisoning due to the pasta she made. She should be fired else I'm suing the more...

She couldn't read more.. this was too much.
She covered her face with her palms as she sobbed silently.
"Hey.."Annie said Hugging her from the side.
"I know. Those reviews are false. They just don't...
"They don't like me.. anything to get rid of me"
She sobbed.

Her phone buzzed with notifications. She wiped her eyes to check it.
"It's a message from my boss"
"Check it out"
She clicked on it and to her dismay, it was what she'd been thinking.

"What does it say?"
"I've been laid off. Fired to be more precise."
Annie was baffled.. the restaurant didn't even investigate before firing her.

"It's okay. It was for the best I guess"
"Yeah.. not helpful but thanks"
"Mommy, could you help me with my homework?"
"Sure, sweetie," she said composing herself.
At least she could try to distract herself.

"Okay, I know I've been disappointed over the last couple of weeks. But, one thing about me is that I never give up. And I got another offer, there's a vacancy in the strategy and design team of AD'S DUDS. It'll be a dream come true if I get to work there. Their success story is just amazing. I mean 5 years ago they were just a tiny company. But 4 years later they're among the top ten fashion lines. How amazing is that?"
Amelia said excitedly.

"It's amazing.. an exemplification of a grass-to-Grace story," Annie said.

" It's an online interview though"
"Okay. But are you gonna take the interview in your pj's?"
"Yeah... I'm much comfier in it"
She brought out her laptop for the interview.
"Oh shot, it's a FaceTime interview," she said seeing herself on the screen. It was a group call.

"Miss jones are you wearing pajamas?" One of the interviews asked.
She tilted the camera up to avoid showing her PJs.
"Let's get started then.."

She got a call two days after the interview.
"Congratulations on getting the job as the personal assistant to the president of AD'S DUDS," the person on the other end said.
"Thank you.."
"Wait, what?!. PA??" She said realizing what the lady had said.
"You heard me, right ma'am. Personal assistant" she said again.

"But, I applied for the strategy and design team"
"Take it or leave it... it's your choice."

She couldn't refuse. She was desperate for a job.
"You start by 7:30 am tomorrow. Attempt to be punctual. Have a nice day"
And with that, the call was disconnected.

"On the bright side, I still get to work at the company"
"Cheer up. Let's go for some ice cream"
"Right? Let's do that"
"Babe.. we're leaving the kids with you. We'll be back soon" Annie said.

"Love you," she said as they both got out of the house. They laughed, getting to the driveway.

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