Chapter 11 - balcony moment

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Reyna's pov
I woke up to the constant vibration from my phone. I managed to turn it off, forcing my eyes open. I sat up, resting on the headboard. I couldn't help but notice how handsome Andre looked while asleep.

He suddenly opened his eyes, " Good morning" I said rubbing my eyes.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked.
"Yeah. You?"
"Not really. You kept tossing and turning all through the night and you finally slept peacefully by one in the morning."
I didn't recall not being able to fall asleep.
"You watched me all night until I was peacefully asleep?" I asked him.

"Yeah," he said getting out of bed. I was staring
at him with pitiful eyes.
"Don't give me that look, it's fine. I'll go freshen up first" he said going into the washroom.

As soon as he was done, I freshened up.
We had packed up 5 suitcases in total for our one-month-long honeymoon.

"You should have breakfast before you leave"
My mother in law said. she ordered the butler to load our suitcases in the trunk.

After breakfast
"Andre take good care of my daughter-in-law. Make sure she eats properly and on time too."
"Yes mom I will," he said
She held my hand and I gave her the warmest smile. She didn't have to say anything, I already knew what she was going to say.

I moved closer to her and whispered.
"I'll take good care of him, mother"
she suddenly pulled me into a hug."I know you will"
"Mom, I want a hug too," Andre said And I just smiled.

We arrived at my house. We walked out of the car. I spotted my dad outside and I ran to him shouting " Dad.." once I was close, I hugged him
" I missed you"
" It's only been 2 days"
"I know"
He just patted my head and smiled.

The butler took our bags inside.
"Welcome home," dad said to Andre and he just smiled.

"While we prepare for lunch you should show your husband around"
I took his hand and led him upstairs.
"My favorite spot in this house is the balcony."

I opened the glass door that parted the balcony from the hallway. We sat on the mini sofa.
" I can see why this is your favorite spot. It has the best view of the city" he said resting on the rails.
"Not only that. It's cozy, peaceful, quiet and I would say therapeutic"

"Therapeutic?" He asked.
"Yeah. For me that is. Whenever I was sad, afraid, or anxious about something I would find myself sitting here and I would instantaneously feel better "

"Wow! That's nice." He said with a smile
" Yeah. It became my favorite spot since high school. My younger brother and I used to call this place our cozy hideout" I laughed a little trying to stop the incoming tears.

"You have a younger brother?"
"Yeah, I had a younger brother. He passed away 5 years ago, when we were still in high school..we were super close, like two peas in a pod" I laughed again.
"I'm sorry about that"

"The day he died, I had suggested we go for a drive along the countryside. He had recently gotten his driver's license. I was a year older than him."

"We were singing along to our favorite song, that we didn't notice the truck approaching us...I saw it and alerted him. He swiftly turned away and stepped on the brakes but we crashed into a huge rock.
I was unconscious. I woke up moments later by the roadside with minor Injuries and my brother was still in the car. I tried opening the door but it was locked from the inside."

"I screamed at him to open up but he just smiled and said, 'I'll be fine Renny, it's not your fault, I'm sorry that I have to leave you like this. Always know I love you' he had the most contagious smile, I would find myself smiling whenever he smiled but at that point, I was crying bitterly'

"It turns out he had pushed me out of the car because he was severely hurt. His leg was stuck to the brakes. The car blew up in flames. I cried my eyes out but he was already dead. He had risked his life to save mine. I should have put my life on the line to save him" I couldn't hold back my tears anymore.

"I'm sorry, I've been babbling away," I said.
"Shhhh... it's okay Reyna. I'm here for you" he said wiping away my tears.

We were staring at each other, his hand still on my face. We were both leaning in but Anna came in.
"Miss... I'm sorry, I'll come back later," she said about to leave. We moved away from each other.
"It's fine Anna. What were you gonna say?"
" Mrs. Neil says you both should come down for lunch"

"Okay. We'll be right there" I said and she left.
I can't believe we almost kissed or was it just my mind playing games? It was awkward now. "We should go now," I said
"Oh. Right"

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