Chapter 16 - Ice cream date

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Andre's POV
As usual, I woke to her adorable sleeping face.
I stared at her for a while.
She opened her eyes and caught me staring at her. I moved forward and placed a kiss on her forehead. She gave me a heartwarming smile and I smiled back at her.

I climbed out of bed, freshened up, and prepared breakfast.
She came out of the washroom stretching her right hand.

"What's wrong," I asked her.
"I think I sprained my hand while sleeping," She said, but I found that hard to believe.
"It's most likely because you were straining your arms while bowling yesterday"
"Hmm, it's due to my sleeping posture last night" she was being stubborn.
"Okay," I said and dished out breakfast.

We were eating in silence when I saw her struggling to raise her hand. I ate quietly but hurriedly. I placed my plate in the sink, walked to her, and took the spoon away from her hand.
"Let me feed you," I said
"No, I can.." I cut her off.
"I wasn't asking"
I knew how to be stubborn too. She suddenly went quiet.
And I fed her breakfast.

I took the first aid kit from the shelf and sprayed some ointment on her arm.
She just kept staring at me blankly the whole time.
I rubbed her arm with my fingers gently.
"This will soothe your pain," I said assuring her and she just nodded.

"Can we still, go to the park this evening?" She asked.
"Nope. We can't. We won't be able to enjoy the fun of it, with you hurt. We'll go tomorrow"
She was going to say something but she just nodded instead.

The rest of the day was plain. I fed her lunch and dinner.

The next day.....
Reyna's POV
I woke up to an empty side. "Andre" I called out and he walked out of the washroom in a robe with his hair wet.

"How's your arm?" He asked
"It's much better now," I said moving my hand up and down.
"Okay, that's a relief. I'll just get dressed"
He said walking into the closet.

I was about to get outta bed when a journal fell. I picked it up and I was about to drop it in the drawers when something caught my attention.

On a page were lots of scribbling.

Annie's tip: go on a series of
.. ice cream date in the park?
Just an ice cream date?
.. movie night at the cinema?
..... Dinner date? Nope
... Watching sunsets together in a romantic way?

Seeing this I couldn't help but giggle at how cute he was.
I hurriedly dropped it before he came out.

We drove to the park, bought the entrance ticket, and walked into the park.
"Should we get ice cream first?" He asked.
"Yeah, sure," I said and we headed to the ice cream truck.

I got mint chocolate chip ice cream and he got cookies and cream ice cream.
"I bet my ice cream tastes better than yours"
He suddenly said and took a scoop of my ice cream. I stared at him stunned.
"You wanna try mine? See if it's better than yours?"
"Okay," I said taking a scoop of his.

"Hmm, it's good but not better than mine," I said
"You've  got ice cream on your face," He said
"Where?" I said wiping my cheeks.

He inched closer to me and gently brushed his fingertips against my lips.
My heart fluttered.
"There, all gone," he said with a smile.
I just avoided eye contact and focused on finishing my ice cream.

"Should we try the rides? The Ferris wheel?"
I asked him
"Yeah, sure"

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