Chapter 18 - Movie night

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Andre's POV
I opened my eyes and Reyna wasn't in bed.
I went downstairs and saw her making breakfast.
"Ow!" She said and I ran over to her and saw blood on her finger.
"Couldn't you be more careful? You're hurt" I scolded, holding her hand. She just stared at me blankly.

"It's just ketchup," she said rinsing her hand.
"I spilled it over by accident," she said staring at me with a faint smile.

"Oh," I said running my hand through my hair. I had overreacted. " I'll just go freshen up," I said and left.

After breakfast
"Reyna" I called out to her.
" Yeah?" She answered.
"Would you like to watch a movie with me?" I asked.
"Yeah, sure. What movie are we watching? Anything but romance movies" she said with a smile.

Isn't she supposed to impose on a romantic movie??
"Why doesn't she like romance movies?' you ask. It's just not for me" she said smiling again as she was folding the laundry.

I was curious.
"Why'd you say that?" I asked
"Hmm, probably because they're mostly fairytale-like. And it's mostly about finding 'one's true love'. Once I think of my life as a fairytale, reality will hit hard. But to begin with, my life ain't a fairytale" I was amazed at her words.
"Oh okay, I'll just choose a horror movie if that's okay with you"
"Yeah sure"

Thirty minutes into the movie and Reyna was squinting her eyes and squeezing hard on the popcorn.
"Is the movie too scary? You can hold onto me or we could ditch it and go home" I said
"No, it's fine," she said

"Okay," I said and concentrated on the movie. I felt a gentle squeeze on my hand.
"That's it, we're leaving. I don't want you forcing yourself to watch this" I said pulling her outta the cinema.

We were walking hand in hand.
"So.. what do you do?" I asked.
"I run a restaurant as a manager. I cook most times when we're short on staff too" she answered.

"Was that your initial plan?" I asked.
"Not really. My initial plan was nursing. But my mom was against it, so I had to go to culinary school instead. It was a hobby I developed at an early age" she said.

"Oh okay. I would have loved to see you in a nurse's outfit" I said and she just smiled.

"I'm sure you might have heard that I'm the CEO of my dad's company, but the truth is I'm just an acting CEO. There's this plan on expanding our branch. A new enterprise, which I will be the president of.  It's a one-year innovation plan though, while my brother Taylor takes over my dad's company. " I said.

"Oh, sorry. I'm talking about business on our date," I said and she just smiled.
"It's fine. I want to tell you something no one else knows. Truth is, I anonymously make donations to a nursing home. I figured if I couldn't serve the people as a nurse, I might as well support the people. It's a personal decision I made and I didn't want anyone to find out. I'm telling you because I trust you" she said smiling.

"I'm so proud of you wifey"
We talked a bit more before we got home.

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