Chapter 6 - Engagement

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Reyna's POV
Time flew by and it was my engagement day already. I was miserable, I hadn't been able to see or get in touch with Annie.

If I wasn't on house arrest I'd have gone to see her. I could swear that I'd left over a thousand voicemails to Annie over the last two weeks. I was worried sick, she'd never ignored me before. I hope she's okay.

"Reyna, dear" mom said entering my room. I didn't get up from my position, I just laid there expecting her to say whatever she'd come for.
"Oh my .. Reyna what is.. why are you looking like that??"
I guess she was talking about my already swollen red eyes and the dark circles underneath them.

"Mom, I can't do this if Annie isn't here" I cried, hoping she'd see that I was hurting.
"Reyna, your engagement is in less than five hours, I don't want you looking like.. this"
"Please mom, let me see Annie"
"Fine, But be back in an hour"
"Thanks, mom" I quickly freshened up and went to Annie's.

I rang the doorbell countless times but there was no response.
"Annie" I called out and the door opened to a miserable Annie. I hugged her.
"Annie, why weren't you picking up my calls? You didn't reply to my voicemails either" I said pulling out of the hug.

"Why are you here? You should leave" she said plainly.
"Annie, I came to see you. I miss you and I'm worried about you"
"Shouldn't you be getting ready for your engagement ceremony?"
"Yes I should, but I can't get engaged or married if you aren't there"

"Mom your mom said you should stay away from me "
"Annie she's our mom. Annie, please snap out of this daze" I pleaded.
"I don't have parents nor a family. I'm all alone"
"I'm your sister. You have a family Annie"
"I don't care. NOW GET OUTTA MY HOUSE " she yelled. She was acting differently.

I couldn't hold back the tears, I knew nothing I said would change anything. I grabbed the knife from the table. Without thinking twice I placed it directly at my stomach.
"I'll kill myself, Annie, I can't watch you do this to yourself" I threatened as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Do I look like someone who cares? You can go ahead and kill yourself but do that elsewhere"
I was hurt deeply by her words that I didn't hesitate any more and stabbed myself. I fell to the ground in excruciating pain.
"Goodbye Annie" I said.
The last thing I heard was
"Reyna" before I blacked out.

Annie's POV
I was deeply hurt by what my mom had said that I fell into a trance and I didn't realize I was hurting my sister to the fact that I drove her to take her own life.
"Goodbye Annie" was the last thing she said as she lay in her pile of blood. This scene snapped me out of my trance.
"Reyna" I screamed. I called for an ambulance and they got there in less than five minutes.
She was being operated on.
It was all my fault.

Moments later the doctor came out
"Doctor, how's my sister?" I inquired.
"She's fine now. She's lucky that the stab wound didn't go any deeper to have affected her vitals. Her wound is being stitched, you can see her after she's transferred to the ward" "Thank you doctor" I was happy she was alright.

I went to the ward Reyna had been transferred to. I saw drip bags fixed on her and It made me feel worse. I sat by her side.

"I'm so sorry Reyna. I hope you can forgive me" I said and she opened her eyes.
" Annie," she said.
" I'm sorry I spoke to you the way I did, I'm sorry that you attempted to take your own life. I'm sorry"

"It's alright Annie. I just wanted my sister back." And I hugged her.
"ow!" She winced and I pulled out.
"Sorry, I promise to be there at your engagement and wedding," I said with a smile

"Speaking of my engagement. I'm gonna be late for my engagement, I have less than 45 minutes"
"I'll go sign your discharge papers, we'll get to the house in 30. Think you can get dressed in 10?"
"I'll try"
I wasn't allowed to sign the papers, since she hadn't fully healed yet. The doctor warned that the wound might re-open. I assured him that I'd take care of Reyna, only then did he let me sign the discharge papers.

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