Chapter 60 - Her behavior..

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She walked into the house frantically, tossing her bag to the couch.
"Jasmine, honey. Where are you?" She called out.
She wanted to see for herself that Jasmine was okay. On the ride back home she couldn't stop thinking about Jasmine and what could have happened.

"Yes,mommy" she said running to her.
"Jasmine" she said with tears in her eyes. The thought of losing her daughter was petrifying.
She pulled the little girl into a hug that lasted for what seemed like eternity.
"Mommy, you're squeezing me" she said.
"I'm sorry my love. I'm just glad you're okay"
"I'm sorry I made you worry, mommy" she said with her head down.
"What happened? Who were you with? I need a name" Amelia questioned seriously.
"I was waiting for aunt and he offered to drop me home. I refused mommy, you taught me not to talk or follow strangers-
"And? Who is he?"
"He's my classmate's uncle and he told me about himself so he wasn't really a stranger"

Amelia stared at her with disbelief. Anyone could form a story to lure a child, into trusting them.
"What's his name?"
"His name is.." her voice trailed off, realizing she didn't ask what his name was.
"Is.." Amelia edged on.
"I'm sorry mommy, I don't know"
"I taught you better Jasmine. What if something had happened to you? What if he wasn't who "he" pretended to be? Do you even know how restless I was when I found out you were missing?"
"I'm sorry, mommy"

"For your punishment, I'm taking away your tablet and no more snacks or ice cream for two weeks" she said.
Jasmine was already crying. "Mommy I'm sorry. I promise I won't do that ever again"
"Amelia, she's just a kid" Annie chipped in.
"My word is final Annie. I almost had an heart attack thinking something had happened to her. I don't want her thinking all strangers are nice or comfortable to be around. I want her to realize that I'm doing it for her safety"
She said before walking away.

"Aunt" Jasmine cried.
"Shh.. you know your mom loves you right?"
She nodded.
"She loves you and she wants the best for you. You're a good girl right?"
She nodded yet again.
"Do this for mommy okay?
"Okay aunt"
"That's my girl. Give me a hug"
Annie said with her arms stretched out and Jasmine enclosed the space with her body.

"I'm sorry we didn't get to talk yesterday" Amelia apologized to Mason.
"I understand you were worried about your.. daughter"
"Yeah. She gave me quite a scare"
"How is she?" He asked fixing his gaze on her.
"She's fine"
"Eh.. what about her dad?" He hesitantly asked. It had been bugging him.
"Oh, um.. divorced"
"We didn't work out.. he doesn't know about her existence though" she added.
He wanted to ask more but he stopped himself. It didn't seem like a good idea or the right time to.

"You wanted to speak to me about something yesterday" she said changing the topic.
"Oh, it's nothing. Never mind" he shrugged but she looked upset.
"What did I expect?" She rhetorically asked before heading to the rooftop's exit/entrance.
"Amy" he called out.
"What? You clearly don't wanna share with me why you went off the grid for a week. It's fine, I don't know what I was expecting, you clearly don't owe me an explanation. I'm just an employee of yours"

She was acting weird. Why did it bother her so much?

"Amy, don't be like that"
"Like what? What am I being like? A clingy girlfriend? You know what? .. I'm sorry, I don't think I'm in the right state of mind.  I'm sorry Mr. miller, please excuse my behavior" she said, without letting out any direct emotion.
"Mr. miller?, Amy-
"If you'll excuse me, sir" she said and walked away. He stood there perplexed, unsure of what to do next. He didn't know what to make of her reaction. He anxiously ran his fingers through his hair.

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