Chapter 28 - "I'm ..still.. a ..vir-"

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Reyna's POV
It's been two weeks since Julie arrived and now she was leaving for Germany.

We had gotten super close during her stay, we were in the same age range too.

"I wish you'd stay longer. I'll miss you Julie" I said while in her embrace.
"Me too, darling. But we'll keep in touch right?" She asked.
"Of course. The next time I call I wanna hear baby banters in the background" I said disengaging from the hug.
"Yeah, thanks."
"I'll take you to the airport when you both are done missing each other" Andre teased.
"Okay, bye," I said as she took a seat at the front of the car.

"I might not be back early. Don't wait up for me" he said and gave me a quick peck on the lips before zooming off.

I was all alone at home. Julie's flight was late at night; I wasn't expecting Andre to be home early or even tonight.

I stayed up late binge-watching movies. I checked the time and it was 1 AM.

I took a quick shower and changed into my nightgown. I had gotten in bed and was about to turn off the bedside lamp; when I heard the main door open and shut with force. Was Andre back? I questioned, with no one to give me an answer.

The door of our room burst open, and staggering his way in; was Andre.

"Dre...are you drunk?" I asked. He reeked of alcohol. He came closer to me.
"I...I'm not drunk" he stuttered before pushing me onto the bed.

He pinned me to the bed before I could get up. I wasn't sure of what was going on in his head but I was scared to death at the thought of what he might do next. He started taking his clothes off.

", don't do this please" I pleaded while trying to get off the bed. But he hit me hard on my stomach, I winced in pain, and I couldn't fight my way from his grip on me.

He ripped my dress.
"'m .. still ..a ..vir-
He forced himself on me before I could complete my sentence.

As soon as he was done, he left me crying and made his way to the living room.

I was hurting both physically and emotionally. I thought he was gonna wait till I was ready.
I cried my eyes out while holding tight to my body.

"Ah... I have a terrible hangover" he said walking into the room and towards me.
"Don't..come any closer" I cried, crawling away using my butt.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying? Why are your clothes ripped? Did something happen?" He asked oblivious to the fact that he had raped me. I hit the wall, with nowhere to run. I was too weak to get on my feet.

"What didn't happen? Stay away from me...please" I said breaking down into another phase of tears.

"What happened? Please tell me" he said looking a bit worried. I couldn't care less.

"Don't you remember what you did last night?" I said looking him straight in the eye.
"No, I don't remember anything after drinking last night with a friend"
"How.. how could you have forgotten what you put me through last night?is that even fair?"
I was finding It had to breathe and my vision was blurry.

He suddenly hugged me from the side.
"I'm sorry, I -
I sharply cut him off " DON'T GIVE ME THAT CRAP" I screamed at the top of my lungs.
"Why do something you're gonna be sorry for? let go of me!" I managed to push him off of me. He got the message and left me alone.

I gathered strength and showered; changing into a baggy shirt and matching shorts.

My first time... I had always imagined how special and memorable it was gonna be.
But now, it's like a broken record that keeps replaying nonstop.

*Knock knock*
"I made breakfast, I know you don't wanna see my face right now or talk to me, but please don't starve yourself" he pleaded at the other end of the door.
I wasn't hungry and I had no appetite. I ignored him and drifted to sleep.

The vibration of my phone woke me up. I grabbed it and it was a reminder to read a crime suspense novel. It was 5 pm Friday already? I had no strength to read right now.

I was thirsty, I slowly walked down the stairs, watching my steps so I didn't trip and fall.

** Thud**
I heard glass shatter. I peeped through and it was Andre. He'd smashed a glass cup but a sharp piece remained in his palm. He balled his hand into a fist, and blood gushed out.

He was hurting himself and I couldn't bear the sight of it. Even though I was supposed to be mad at him.

"What do you think you're doing?" I ran towards him and took the piece of glass away from his hand.
"Why are you crying?" He suddenly asked.
"I'm not" I sniffed in my tears, starting at his palm.

"This isn't anything compared to how badly I hurt you. Saying sorry won't reverse the harm done, so I've decided to hurt myself each time I hurt you. Seeing the scars may knock some sense into me" he said and I just cried harder. Why was I crying? Why did it hurt so much to see him hurt? I was hurting too but... I didn't understand why.

"Please stop crying, I can't watch you cry because of me. It makes me wanna hurt myself"

"Please.. don't inflict bodily harm on yourself" I hugged him while crying.
Using his left hand, he gently stroked my hair.
"Forgive me," he said
"I already have," I said as I bandaged his bleeding palm.
"Promise you won't try to hurt yourself again," I said.
"I promise," he said wiping away my tears.

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