Chapter 13 - Hurting me

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Reyna's POV
I woke up to find Andre still asleep. I got outta bed without waking him up.

I freshened up and took a tour of the house. It was a wooden house, with a living room, kitchen, closet, and washroom on the ground floor and a bedroom with a balcony viewing the mountain and ocean, on the first floor.

I planned to prepare breakfast. Only a pack of noodles, two eggs, and instant coffee were available.

I cooked the noodles, prepared an omelet with the eggs and I made two cups of instant coffee.

I placed it on the kitchen counter. Andre came down wearing a turtle neck long-sleeve shirt matched with blue jeans.

"Breakfast is ready," I said with a smile.
"Grocery was available?" He asked walking towards me.
"Only a pack of noodles, two eggs, and instant coffee were available"
"Okay. Let's go grocery shopping after
"Okay," I said and we ate in silence.

"I'll do the dishes," I said
" Okay. I'll be in the room" he said and left. When I was done, I remembered we were going grocery shopping. I went to our room but he was sleeping so peacefully and I didn't wanna disturb him so I left without him.


I came back about 45 minutes later. I opened the door and placed the grocery bags on the kitchen counter. I was about to leave the kitchen when Andre grabbed me by my arms and pushed me against the wall, making his grip tight.

"Dre're hurting me," I said as tears welled up in my eyes.
"Where were you for the past 40 minutes??" He said making his grip tighter. I didn't understand why he was acting this way.

I couldn't hold back my tears anymore.
"I...I just went grocery shopping...I just got us a few things, since we planned on going together"
"Why didn't you inform me before you left?"
"I didn't wanna disturb you. You were sleeping peacefully"
I guess he realized he had overreacted because he let go of me.

"Reyna, I'm .."
I ran off to our room before he could finish his sentence and I locked the door.

I stared at the reddish sore on my arms.

"Reyna I'm sorry. Please open up" he said knocking frantically but I didn't pay him any attention, he had hurt me.

I thought I was getting to know him and he goes ahead and does this.

He kept knocking for hours non-stop pleading that I open up. I reluctantly opened the door.

"Reyna, I'm so sorry, I overreacted and I shouldn't have yelled at you nor hurt you. I don't have an excuse" he said holding my hands, gently this time.

"You should be sorry for hurting me and for making me cry on our fifth day of marriage. Dre"
"I'm sorry wifey," he said and I slightly blushed. 'wifey' what was that about? I'm supposed to be mad at him.

"I'm so sorry babe" he was being too sweet. I couldn't stay mad at him.
"Fine. I forgive you" I said and he suddenly hugged me.
"Thanks, wifey" I stood there perplexed before hugging him back.

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