1. And It Begins ^

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I have always thought that everyone had their special person. That they would one day come and sweep you off your feet, make you lose your breath, and make you believe that love was real. That is what I would have told myself back in fifth year before I finally saw things as they were. I am not who everyone thinks or sees and he is not mine. I have loved the same person ever since first year. Since the first day, I heard him laugh.


As I stood there looking at the giant red train I could not help but feel nervous. I had never been far away from my mum and dad now I am expected to just go off to school. I squeezed my mum's hand to make sure she would not leave me.

"Adeline dear it is going to be okay. You have to be brave and treat this as an adventure." mum said as she embraced me in a tight hug.

"But when will I get to see you guys again?" I asked with tears beginning to form in my eyes.

"By Christmas, you will be allowed back home. We will make sure to get you a lot of presents and Rosy will bake your favorite cookies." Rosy was our house elf she was the kindest creature I knew. She was free but chose to stay with us.

"Okay, bye mum," I said hugging her again before looking back up at my father. "Bye, dad."

"Be a good girl Adeline and do not forget you want to be the best. I expect no less than perfection. It is up to you to uphold the Dearbháil name." dad said with a serious look with no hint of sadness that I was leaving.

"Yes, father."

With that, I turned around and headed inside the train. Upon entering I was overwhelmed by the number of students walking up and down the train opening and shutting compartments. All I had to do now was find a seat. Out of nowhere, I felt someone crash into me causing us both to fall to the floor. As I sat up and rubbed my head I saw a girl doing the same which was rather funny this made up both erupt in laughter at the incident.

"Hi I am Kate Adams." the girl said picking herself up and then helping me.

"Hello Kate I am Adeline Dearbháil." I said shaking her hand.

"I do not know what it is about you Adeline but I like you. Henceforth I declare you as my best friend forever." Kate said with a goofy smile.

"Why of course lady Kate. I take this as the highest honor that has ever been bestowed upon me."

"Okay, I can check off finding a best friend off my list." when Kate said this I thought she was kidding but I stood corrected as she took out a piece of parchment and marked off a best friend.

"You were not kidding were you?"

"Of course not. Next on the list is to find a compartment to sit in let's go bestie." Kate said intertwining her arm with mine.

We made our way to the front of the train where all the other first years were. We looked for available compartments to no avail. So instead we would go into one where there was enough space for both of us. As we were about to look into a compartment two other people walked out looking very upset. One was a red-headed girl like me who held a boy's hand he had long black hair and very pale skin.

"Are you both okay?" I asked them.

"Yes but if you plan on sitting in that compartment just know that those two in there are complete arrogant toe rags." the redhead huffed as she walked away.

"I think we do not have much of a choice Adeline. I do not want to keep searching and if those two try anything I will hex them into the next century." Kate said with a mischievous smile on her face.

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