4. Lupin ^

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The first month of school had gone by without warning. We were already in the middle of October. The fall season brought along its natural beauty and amazing scents. These past few weeks I had found myself hanging out with Remus. Studying late in the library should ensure we do good on our N.E.W.T.S.

The past had proven that we worked successfully as a cohesive pair. We have tried to get Sirius and Kate to come with us but they always find a way to hide when we go to ask them. James and Peter were no better as they rather go around pranking the poor students.

"Quiet down students." everyone stopped eating their dinner and focused their attention on the headmaster. "I have a grand announcement to make. As you all must know we have entered October which is a season filled with chilling events. But rest assured that this year's event that will be held on the 31st is far from chilling. It will be an enchanting night filled with mysteries. For the first time, Hogwarts will have its very own Masquerade Ball." As Dumbledore said this students began to clap. Well, mostly the girls.

"I almost forgot this event is being held for 5th years and up so no one under can attend. That is all so please continue with your dinner." All you could hear was groaning from the younger students as most whispered how unfair it was.

Dinner soon came to an end and everyone was heading back to their common rooms. Kate continued to talk about the upcoming event. Sirius and his friends soon joined us as we made our way out of the dining hall entrance.

Kate began to lay down her idea on Sirius on how they would have to match so people knew they were a couple. I did not understand her idea since mostly everyone in school already knew they were together but like a true caring partner, he agreed. I was about to step on the staircase when I heard Professor McGonagall yell for us to wait up as she ushered past the other students.

"I promise professor whatever you were told I did not do it. It was all James I was with Kate the whole time." said Sirius as the professor stood before us with a confused look. As Kate nodded in agreement to her boyfriend's testimony.

"But it was all Sirius's idea." James pointed out. Before they began to argue back and forth.

"I can I assure you both I have no idea what you are talking about but we will talk about that later." Professor McGonagall said eyeing them suspiciously before speaking again, " I came here to get Ms. Dearbháil and Mr. Lupin. So if you two may please follow me."

"Did we do something wrong professor?" I questioned in a worried tone.

"It was not Adeline and Remus who pranked the Slytherins on the Hogsmeade trip it was James and I. Please do not punish them." Peter said quietly from behind Remus leaving most of us confused while James chuckled nervously.

"Thank you for clearing that up Mr. Pettigrew. You and Mr. Potter will have detention for a week and will be helping Filch clean up with no magic." she said sternly looking at them with disappointment but with no surprise. "But that is not why I need them to come with me. I do not even know why. The headmaster just wants to see them. Now hurry up you two I suppose he and Professor Flitwick are already waiting for us."

For a woman, her age Professor McGonagall walks very fast. I had to quicken my pace to keep up with her. While Remus had the unfair advantage of being so tall and had no problem. I saw a smirk appear on his face as he watched me struggle.

I resorted to stepping on the back of his shoes causing him to have to stop and fix it. Allowing myself to catch up and walk further with the professor. Once we reached the door to the headmaster's office McGonagall entered while Remus and I stood there nervously awaiting what was to come. I kept running everything I could have done wrong in my head but there was nothing.

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