14. N.E.W.T.S ^

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The first two weeks back from winter break have been full of a lot of teenage angst. Since everyone decided to cram in studying the night before the tests were set to start. When walking into any corridor you could see a multitude of 7th years studying or panicking.

Especially a certain best friend of mine and her boyfriend. I also can not forget my boyfriend who has been living in the library. I take every opportunity I can to remind them that I told them so. But I am not cruel at all and did ask if they wanted my help.

I had to take it back when I realized Kate and Sirius wanted to study using other methods causing me to leave. As for James, I could not find him anywhere. I worry that he let his nerves get the best of him. That is not to say I am not nervous, I am but I am also fully confident that I will pass maybe not with flying colors but I will most certainly pass.

The cold corridors made me question why everyone was not studying in bed or near a fireplace. Which is where I headed back to the head dormitory to sit in front of the fireplace on the couch wrapped in about 3 sweaters, 2 hats, and 5 blankets.

I entered to a girl's voice so me being me decided to quietly make my way in to see what was happening. There on my couch was a beautiful blonde resting her head on the shoulder of a red-faced Remus who sheepishly was rubbing the back of his neck. As I got closer I realized it was Lily's friend Sophie.

I stood there contemplating what to do. I had two very different options. Option 1 is the rational part of me which says to leave them be or option 2 the not-so-rational side of me says to stop whatever is happening.

"Hi, Sophie. How have you been?" my not-so-rational side asked.

"Oh hi, Adeline. I have been good how about you?"

"Good as I could be. You know with all the chaos of the N.E.W.T.S?" I replied as I squeezed myself between them on the couch. "I could see that Remus is helping you study."

"Yes, he is. He is a really good tutor." she responded with a sweet smile towards Remus. I do not know what was happening but whatever it was she was trying to do I did not like it.

"I guess all of our late-night studies last semester came in good use, Remus." I said turning to look at him.

"Was it only you two studying?" Sophie skeptically asked.

"Yes, it was. We fell asleep twice in the library." Remus laughed at the recollection.

"I remember having to quietly sneak back to the dorm so Filch would not catch us." I added to the memorable memory. "Though I do think we would have gotten away with it if we had been caught."

"I can see that you two are close." she stated before turning her attention to the fire. I decided to slide down onto the floor as it was closer to the warm fire. The cold winter air still lingered on my body. Remus kindly handed me his jumper and I of course did not hesitate in putting it on. "Does it bother James in any way that you guys are so close?"

"Of course not." I replied as I laid my head on Remus' leg. "And if it did then that would mean we had things to sort."

"How about we continue studying? Would you care to join us, Addy?" Remus chimed in.

"I would love to." Remus soon joined me on the floor. Moving his books between us so I could read from them.

Everything was going smoothly until we heard a series of knocks coming from the door. Remus quickly made his way to the door and opened it helping a struggling Sirius drag a fighting James inside before shutting the door with an enchantment.

I noticed how James had a bruise forming on his cheek and his bottom lip was split open. He tried to make his way back out but failed to do so as Remus's enchantment prevented him. He huffed and made his way to sit in the corner of the room. I made my way to him in hope of some answers.

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