10. Evie Dearbhail ^

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"Hey calm down everything will be okay." James reassured me for the hundredth time as he placed my luggage away.

"I know I just can not help but be nervous. When I accepted to be your 'girlfriend' I did not expect that our parents would be dragged into this. Now there is a Christmas dinner waiting."

"I know but what could go wrong?" he emphasized ever so calmly.

"How about everything? James what you do not understand is how serious my father takes relationships but why tell you now when you could see it in person." I let out with a hint of frustration.

"It can not be that bad."

"Then you are in for the surprise of your life James Potter." I mumbled as I took a seat in the empty compartment.

"What happened Addy you look very what is the word?" Kate asked as she walked into the compartment.

"Tense." Sirius answered taking a seat next to Kate.

"Yes, tense." she smiled as she placed a kiss on his cheek.

"What happened is that James here does not understand how serious my father is about relationships."

"Oof, that is going to be a pleasant surprise." Kate expressed with a hint of concern.

"Honestly I am just too likable that there is no way your father will not like me. It is impossible right Sirius?" James sang confidently.

"I will agree with you because you are my best mate but at the same time I wish you the best of luck buddy." Sirius replied before lying on the seat and his head on Kate's lap.

The rest of the ride was filled with small pranks and jokes. I watched as Kate played with Sirius's hair to the point where he whined for her to braid it. Though most times they could be much, it was only because what they had was true. Who would have known that the happy snarky Ravenclaw would be the girl that the infamous player Sirius Black would change his ways to date? The looks they shared were filled with love to the extent that they only had to share one look and the other would automatically know what the other was thinking.

On the floor were James and Peter in a heated game of exploding snaps that was on its third run. As I looked at James I wondered if doing all of this was worth it but it was clear that he would come out gaining something while I lost everything.

I had so much on my mind that I wished I could tell someone but I just could not bring myself to because of the promise I made to James but mostly because I feared of how weak I would appear to be. Letting a silly long-time crush take over my life.

I noticed how Remus had been so quiet he had the recent book I had left for him in his hands. "How is the book going Remus?"

"It is okay. Just a little frustrating. Why can't Midnight just forget about Poppy when Wink is right there."

"Well because Poppy was his first love and no matter how much she has changed Midnight will always care for her it does not mean he likes Wink any less."

"Well if it were me I would forget about that old crush instead of pinning after them when someone who has always been there is an option." He said getting back to the book. But something about what he said made me rethink everything up until this point.

"Remus, do you want to go get something from the trolly lady?"

"Sure." he replied marking his book before following me out.

"Can you bring me some food too?" everyone else asked in unison. I nodded before shutting the compartment door.

"Adeline I know that you did not ask me to just go get snacks what is wrong?" Remus asked once we were far away from the others.

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