2. Third wheel ^

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As I waited for Kate to finish getting ready for the Hogsmeade trip I could not for the love of merlin stop pacing around the room. I know it was not a date since Kate and Sirius would be there. But in a way, James and I are sworn to talk by the simple idea that the other two people with us are a couple.

This would be the first time we would talk outside of school involvement. At this thought, I remembered one of my favorite times we interacted it was back in 3rd year. It was towards the end of the second term and we were working on a major project in potions.


"Okay class settle down. For today's project, you will be in groups of three. And before any of you get any ideas I will be assigning the groups." said Slughorn with a bright smile as the class groaned. I never understood why he was always so chirpy. "And remember the end of the term is coming up which makes this upcoming project a large chunk of your final grade so I do suggest you give it your best efforts. Most importantly working together is key."

"I just hope I get a good group because I am on the borderline of failing. Maybe we will end up in the same group. And if not then I hope Lupin or Evans are in my group." said Kate with anxiousness while she began looking around the classroom. Filled with Gryffindors and Ravenclaws that could very well end up in her group.

"Okay everyone listen up to the groups. First, we have Evans, Pettigrew, and Adams. Next, we have Trelawney, McKinnon, and Black." I waved at Kate as she headed to a table with her group. She was happy because Lily was in her group and she was one of the top students in the class. I stopped listening and zoned out when Kate left waiting to hear my name.

"Lastly, we have Potter, Lupin, and Dearbháil." I froze at the sound of my name realizing we were the last three remaining.

"I thank you very much professor for this group that you have blessed me in," Smiled James as I made my way to his and Remus's table.

"Adeline right?" asked Remus with a friendly smile. To which I just nodded and took the seat next to him. "It is nice to meet you, Adeline I am Remus," he introduced as I shook his hand.

"It is nice to meet you too Remus."

"Nice being able to talk to you again. It has been a while." James said with a toothy smile to which I just smiled back.

As we were working on our potion everything seemed to flow with ease between Remus and me. Our lines of work were very similar it was rather nice since I would start something and he knew exactly what to do next without asking. We were like one person while James on the other hand struggled to keep up with us. Remus and I stopped to help him out then continued to work. Working with each other just made sense and Slughorn praised us as he walked around and stopped next to James.

"Mr. Potter why do you think I placed you in this specific group with these two remarkable students?" asked Slughorn.

"Because it is a group project of course," answered James but by Slughorn's reaction, I do not think that was the right answer.

"Mr. Lupin is one of my top students and Ms. Dearbháil is my top student. Mr. Potter putting you in this group is part of a plan I have made because of the lack of effort you place in this class. By putting you with them I believe they will help you reach the potential I know you have. But it is up to you whether you keep up with them or stay behind." Explained Slughorn before walking away. I noticed how James' face had gone from a happy smile to a look of hurt by the professor's words.

"I think you are brilliant James you just have to show everyone else and prove to Slughorn that you are as good as us," I comforted as I placed my hand on his shoulders he looked at me and smiled.

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