26. Secrets

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"So how did it go with Sirius last night?" I asked curiously as I took a seat next to Regulus. He did not reply but instead looked at me with pain filled tears in his eyes. The moon light highlighting his stone face. I knew then that Regulus had told his brother everything. And by the looks of it Sirius had made his point clear on his face. "Oh Regulus."

"He doesn't want to ever come near me again. He said I am an idiot, soft enough to believe our parents and their beliefs." Regulus mumbled out. "He said he hates me." The tears I watched him hold back came bursting through into uncontrollable sobs.

I quickly wrapped him into a tight embrace pulling him as close as I could. His warm tears soaking onto my jumper. I ran my hand slowly up and down his back in attempts to console him but never have I ever seen him so vulnerable. "I am sure it was a spur of the moment. He just said them out of shock." I comforted as I grabbed his face wiping his tears with my thumbs.

Regulus pulled down his sleeve to wipe his face dry then a hurt smile formed on his face. "No. You should have seen his face. It was spiteful and full of anger. His words were exact and firm. But you know what hurts the most Addy?" I shook my head as he let out a small bitter laugh. "When he made it clear that he only has one brother now."

"That ignorant toe rag." I whispered under my breath. Angered by how quick Sirius was to turn his back to his brother without even trying to understand him. "I am going to find him and give him an earful right now."

"No Addy, it is not necessary. Maybe it is all for the best."

"How could this be for the best Reggie?"

"The less people I have close to me, the less weaknesses I have." He thought out before turning to look at me with a warmth filled gaze. "With him gone you are all I need to worry about now."

I felt a small smile tug onto my lips knowing that he cared for me as much as I did for him. "Reggie I have an idea and it is insane but-"

"Lets do it." He added before I could finish I smirked and pulled him up.

"If we get caught in the corridors by the patrolling prefects we can just say I was talking to you about some special prefect task I assigned you okay." Regulus nodded with a grin. "Operation night wizards."

Thanks to the secret passageways Remus had taught me I managed to get us to Hogsmeade village. Most of the shops were closed except for Hogshead. I had always wondered about the owner. He seemed quite lonely and sad. At one point I had a hypothesis that he was related to the headmaster but Kate pointed out how outrageous that sounded. We finally reached the outskirts of Hogsmeade and I looked around to make sure no one had followed us.

"What now genius?" Regulus teased. "I knew it, you brought me here to kill me."

"As tempting as that sounds, no. Take my hand."

"Who is proposing to who now?" He taunted as he placed his hand in mine.

"Hold on tight." Once I said that I apparated us into thin air.

"OOOfff." Regulus yelled out as he landed face front on the floor. "Next time go easier Dearbhail."

"Stop being so dramatic Black. I landed perfectly fine." I replied cheekily. "Now let's go inside."

"Really a tattoo parlor. Didn't take you as the rebel type." He uttered in surprise.

"Good evening you two, how can I help you?" The lady with green hair stated as she walked around the counter.

"We would like to get two tattoos please." I asked politely as I motioned to Regulus who was looking at the portraits on the wall. "He tends to go off into his own world a lot."

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