17. Amortentia ^

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* Remus POV *

"Remus, can I talk to you?" Kate asked me a little too loud as she received a harsh hush from Madame Pince.

"Sure." I replied moving my bag from the chair so she could sit down.

"Why do you keep on hiding out in here? Tell me the truth because I do not buy the I am studying bullshit." She remarked with a tense expression.

"I-I do not know what you want me to tell you." I answered only to receive an "Are you serious" look from her. "And if that is all I would appreciate it if you let me continue my studying." 

"Remus I do not know who you think you are fooling but I know for a fact that you keep coming to the library to escape the fact that Adeline has been away." Kate harshly whispered. "I also know that you like her. You have for a while and it is beyond me why you never told her before James happened. But I do know that you are confused as well."

"You have got it all wrong Kate. I like her but as a friend and that is all." I stuttered out nervously as I began to pack my stuff up. "Plus, I have been talking to Sophie."

"That is why I say you are confused. Remus get a grip on yourself. There is something off about Adeline's relationship with James. No matter how much they say they are together. It all does not seem real." Kate hinted as she followed me out of the library. "The way he still looks at Lily is the same. I know for a fact Adeline sees it too."

"So what you are implying is that their relationship is not real. Or that James is lying to her?" I questioned.

"I do not think James is capable of lying to her. So I would like to think that their relationship is fake but why they are doing this is unknown to me."

"I think you are looking into this a little too much Kate. And no matter how I feel about her I missed my chance a long time ago." I stated with a tight smile.

"That is my next point. If this is all fake then you never really lost anything." Kate smiled. "I have noticed the way she looks at you has changed as well. I just thought you should know." Kate concluded before walking away.

As I walked into the head dormitory I felt like it lacked life. With Adeline's absence I have tried to spend the least amount of time in here as possible. It has been 2 weeks since she was taken home after the incident with Rosier. I felt as if it were partly my fault because I was the last one with her and maybe if I had gone with her none of it would have happened. And she wouldn't have seen me unleash my anger on Rosier. But when I saw what that bastard had done to her I saw red and I was unable to control what I was doing. The thought of the pain she had gone through made me want to kill him for hurting her. It was not until I saw how scared she was that I managed to stop.

I would be lying if what Kate told me did not make me a little happy but that was a long stretch. I want to see the truth in her suspicion but that is all it is a suspicion. I see the way Adeline looks at James and it is way too real for it to not be true. But I also see the way James looks at her as well as how he looks at Lily and they are completely different. Why would they make this all up if he loves Lily? That is what I do not understand.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a knock at the door. I wonder who it could be as it is already past curfew. "Hi, Remus."

"Hi Sophie what are you doing here so late?" I asked.

"I was wondering if I could talk to you. Can I come in?"

"Yes sorry please do come in before you get caught." I ushered as she walked in before quickly shutting the door. I observed as she gazed over the common room. "So what is it you wanted to talk about?"

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