7. News ^

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Once James had left I decided to go and rest. I began to walk when I saw a piece of parchment on the floor. I picked it up to get a better look when I noticed it was the same map the boys had in the prefect's bathroom.

I could not help my curiosity and picked up my dress with one hand while the other held the map and made a run back to my room. Running up so many flights of stairs was deadly, especially with the dress I had on. I quickly changed into my night pajamas.

As I sat on my bed with the map in front of me I thought if what I was doing was wrong. Which it probably was since it was obvious if they wanted me to know about this map they would have told me. But I could not understand how they made it which bothered me. When I do not know something I tend to do everything I can to figure it out and this is no exception.

So I murmured the first incantation "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" I watched in amazement as the map was soon filled with moving names around all of Hogwarts.

Those four were smarter than I would give them credit for. I did like the cover "Messer's Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs are proud to present the Marauders Map". I knew Moony was Remus as Sirius had let it slip out. But I wondered which one belonged to James though I had a strong feeling it was Prongs.

Looking closer I saw mostly everyone was still in the great hall. I saw four names were close together outside nearing the whomping willow. I quickly stood up from my bed and saw figures that I assumed were James, Sirius, Peter, and poor Remus being taken to complete his full moon transformation.

I could not help but want to be there with them but that would most likely not go down well with Remus. Examining the magic in the map closely reminded me of the Homonculous Charm. I got a book from my shelf about the charm and began to read as I had suspected I was right.

I continued reading and soon came upon a very interesting piece of information about the very topic. I read up more about the countercharm and then closed the map to say the incantation. When I opened the map again I could no longer see my name. I wish I could be there to see their faces when they realize I can not be seen.

I turned the map back into just a piece of parchment and placed it on my nightstand. Laying in bed I began to think through my decision to "date" James. On one hand, I had to look at the fact that it was all for Lily. But on the other hand, this is the closest thing to what it really would be like to date him.

But maybe just maybe by some miracle, James could fall for me. If by the end of all this, he still decides to end things I will be over him once and for all. Plus there is not much time left in school and once we are out there is not much chance of seeing each other very often.

I will probably end up married off to some snobby pure blood by my father. If that were the case I would not fight it because my one love never was meant to be. So I have to make the most of this relationship with James Potter.


I made sure to wake up pretty early in the morning to go and see how Remus is doing. Most students are still asleep after last night's ball so this was a great opportunity.

I quickly got dressed and got a new book for Remus then began to make my way to the hospital wing. Upon entering Madame Pomfrey signaled me over and placed a finger to her lips to make sure I kept quiet.

"I hate to say that last night was probably one of the worst ones yet for him." she informed with a frown. "Be very quiet when you go see him. I do not want him to wake up startled." I nodded in response.

As I pushed the white curtain to the side I saw Remus lying still on the bed. He looked so peaceful yet a new injury marked his body. This time it stretched across his chest to his stomach.

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