25. Order In Place

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Having been to the headmaster's office on several occasions this time it felt different. Not only because it was late at night and all the corridors were empty but, because I was not the only one on the way. Remus was also summoned along with "others" as stated in the message. We had received a letter earlier today that carried a small message. Basically notifying us that our attendance was required at the strike of 11:00 pm at the headmasters office.

As the spiraled staircase appeared before us we heard footsteps behind us. I turned to see that it was James and Lily. "You guys got summoned too?" Lily asked.

"Do you know what it is about?" Remus asked as stepped into the staircase followed by Lily.

"I wish. James, Sirius, Peter, Marlene, and myself just got a letter." Lily answered.

"Where are Peter, Sirius, and Marlene?" I wondered seeing that they were not here.

"They went to go get Kate and Alexander. Apparently they also received one." James answered from behind me.

We soon reached the top and only a few feet away was the headmasters door. The tension was thick as every step we took was filled with an underlying weight of uncertainty. I took it upon myself to knock on the door as no one else seemed to be willing to. There was silence that was followed by a faint "come in". The headmasters voice just as quiet and wise as always.

I felt a light push on my back beckoning me to be the first to walk inside. Dumbledore was standing his back to us as we walked inside. His attention was on whatever was outside his window. Though all I could see was darkness. The bright red phoenix near his desk was absolutely enchanting. Its eyes and feathers made of hot red flames allowed the bird to look ever so magical.

"Good evening professor. You called for us." I announced as we all stood side by side in a straight line.

"Indeed I did." He stated nonchalantly. "I can see you are all anxious for answers but we must wait for the other to get here." Dumbledore said as he walked over to take a seat on his chair.

The four of us shuffled uncomfortably just standing in front of the headmaster. If Kate could hear me I just wished she would hurry. That they all hurry.

"We are here." Sirius sang as he burst through the door not bothering to knock. "So what is this all about?" He continued as he took a seat on the chair in front of the headmaster.

"I am glad that you are all finally here." Dumbledore said with a smile as he did I saw a small twinkle in his eyes. "Now, I am sure that you all have heard about what is currently going on out in the wizarding world."

"Yes, some dark wizard forgot to take his chill potion and is now on a path of destruction." Sirius muttered causing the headmaster to let out a soft chuckle. "But in all seriousness he is absolutely mental for all the messed up shit he is doing."

"I have heard that he very much detests those who are not pure of blood and will do whatever it is to eliminate them." Marlene added. From the side I could feel Lily stifle at the words being said. I reached out my hand and held hers.

"But what does that have to do with all of us?" Remus spoke up from next to me.

"I am glad you asked Mr. Lupin." Dumbledore answered as he picked up a parchment up from his desk before getting up from his seat to stand before us. "Would someone like to read this for us a loud?"

Alexander took the paper from the headmaster's hand and skimmed over it in deep thought before clearing his throat. "The Order Of The Phoenix a secret society of brave and strong wizards whose purpose is to help stop the ongoing rampage of the dark wizard and his followers. Some of the current members are Fabian and Gideon Prewett, Frank and Alice Longbottom, and Alastor Moody."

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