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Taehyung and V came down and set in front of their parents...

"so what's your decision for this marriage kids" Mr. Oberoi said with exitment and some curiosity
"well...... Dad..... I'm ready for this marriage if V is also ready" Taehyung said ...
They all turned toward V.....
"well.... I'm ready for this marriage" V said.....
He saw a glow up in his family and especially in his brothers eyes...
He know that it's not a good decision but he can do sacrifices for his brother....
He saw how much his brother love Jimin
So if he can do something for his brother he will do it for sure...
He was not happy at all but after seeing his brother was happy a smile automatically appeared on his face....

Both the families discussed it and fixed a Date for marriage....
Everyone was happy.....

Taehyung and V were standing on stage waiting for their soon to be husband to come
Soon they saw Jimin coming down with his father with, white flowers in his hand

They exchanged their rings and finally it was time for a kiss...
Tae and Jimin shared a passionate kiss and on other hand V took Jimin's hand and kissed him on his hand.

After dinner new married couple went towards their new car

After dinner new married couple went towards their new car

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When they reached their home

"hyung I'm going to my room" V said and directly went to his room without listening what his brother said.....
"is he still not ready for this marriage" Jimin said looking down
"he will be OK, he just need some time" Taehyung said lifting his chin and making a eye contect with him...

He took Jimin to the room and saw the decoration...
Whole room was decorated with red roses....
The dim light of moon and the fragrance of candles was sending them to another world....
Red roses on bed....
And a packet of Condom...
What a packet of condom.... 😅

Taehyung and Jimin shocked
Author Rocked
Taehyung : What is this author...
Author : things for your first night.....
Taehyung : it's OK but condom
Author : why don't like the flavour...
Jimin : author actually I like strawberry....
Taehyung and Author shocked...
Taehyung : jimin
Jimin : what.. And u (pointing towards the cute and innocent author) leave our room now....
Author : whyyyy.....
Taehyung raising eyebrow...
Author : Ok OK I'm leaving....
And please shut the door and windows properly I wanna sleep peacefully.....

Author : bye buys I'm going to sleep and sorry they throw me out of room, so u know.... I can't write further...... I will meet u in morning..... But 1 minute where is V.... Let's see him.....

With V....
He directly went to his room and after taking shower he called someone.....
@@@: hello.........
V : hello, r u free?
@@@ : for u never, I'm busy.
V : nice, but tomorrow I'm coming, I need a appointment
@@@ : OK, so tomorrow at 10.

After cutting the call, someone knocked on his door...

"I swear I'm gonna kill this author" V thought and opened the door....
V: whatttt
Author : is it a way to talk to me..
V : what u want....
Author : I'm here just to see u
V : now u see me, now go I want to sleep....
Author : rude, OK bye...

Author : I'm also going to sleep everyone is sleeping...
No I should say 2 persons r busy in their business and 2 persons r going to sleep.....

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