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Taehyung and Jimin were sitting inside the room.... Facing a lying body on the bed covered with different medical equipments...

Their body was showing no emotions neither motions but their minds were saying something else.....

Taehyung was thinking that how a, person who always try to make others happy.... Is not happy....
He was thinking where was he when his brother was fighting with all this....
He haslve to find those people who have done this to his brother...

Jimin was thinking that how this person lying changed his life....
He was trying to figure out what was he feeling and why was he feeling in this way....
But in the end only one thing was concluded that he was in love....
He was in love with a person who loved someone else till death...

Their thoughts were interrupted when someone entered inside the room....
They saw Y/n with another doctor came inside..
Guess for what...
Afcourse for his checkup....
"can u both please go outside... We have to do some tests" Doctor said....
They both went outside.....

After half an hour....
Both the doctors came outside and went toward them...
"how is he doctor" Taehyung asked...
"he's healing too fast.... I guess he's gonna wake-up soon" Y/n replied....
"thank you Y/n and thank you Dr..." Taehyung said...
"Dr. Kim Seokjin" Jin said shaking hand with Taehyung....

Then Taehyung received a call...
"hello" Taehyung said.
" boss that person is coming tomorrow " Person on the phone call said...
Without saying anything he cut the call....
Taehyung send Jimin to home afcourse after requesting too much....
He called his men to be ready with all their weapons....
After discussing everything with them for long 2 hour he cut the call

Then he went inside V's room....
After sometime he fall asleep on the sofa.....

See you soon..... 💜
Lb ju....

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