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From last few days everything was going smoothly....
Sometime V or sometime Taehyung go to drop and pick Jimin up from college....
They were happy....
Jimin was slowly falling in love with V and Taehyung..

But from last few days
V was not feeling good
He thought it's bcoz of over work due to project....
But somewhere he knew it's not bcoz of work, it's something else.
So now he has a different fear taking place inside him...
Somewhere he know that something is going to happen soon... His anger issues r increasing day by day....
But his brother and Jimin didn't mind... They thought it's Bcoz of over work and stress..
But he knew it's something else..

But he forgot everything everything at the moment he is with his Brother And their Husband....
Yes he also felt something for Jimin.... But he know in end it will not be like this....

To Avoid more contact with Jimin

V started to live out of the house most of the time like doing clubbing or either busy in office work.....

It was literally mid night and V still didn't came home
"hello V where r u" Jimin asked V through phone call....
"I'm busy Jimin, I will call u later" with that V cut the phone call without listening anything further.....

But before the phone call end Jimin heared that someone called V and some music is playing in background.... And there was a girl....

With V....

He was with Y/n in a club...
"dudiee I'm going home" Y/N said getting attention from V who was busy on a phone call....

He cut the phone call and replied to Y/n ...

"ohk bye bye, take care" He said...

He again went inside and settle down on a chair...
He take out his phone and opened his gallery....

"firstly her, than you.... I don't know why everyone chose others over me.... I tried to finish it.... I know it's wrong... But I can't help.... I can't change anything.... If you want him over me than its OK.... Bcoz its your life.... Now I'm totally clear about what I want...." V said cleaning the tears shedding from his eyes...

With that he drank more and went home late in the evening....

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