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"well actually sorry but I'm already MARRIED" V said scratching his nape....

There was a pin drop silence for few moments

"WHAT, WHERE, WITH WHOME" Jimin and Taehyung said...

"but what about the moments you sounded with us, what about when you said u love us" Jimin said with teary sad pout. .

"are you cheating on 3 people, who is that person" Taehyung said with a sad tone but anger was also shown in his face...

"I wanted to tell this to you guys from starting but I was too lost in the moment and I never got the chance to tell you" V said doing a great acting....

"who is that person???" Jimin said with tears sliding town his eyes....

"1 minute"V said going toward his room..

After sometime....

He came down with some papers...
He showed those papers to them..
"actually I never confirmed that divorce, or u can say I forgot to sign those papers and u know Korean rules are not applied in Paris so..... " V said scratching his nap....

"so u are telling me that u never divorced me" Jimin said with a smile on face and tears in eyes..

V nodded as a yes...

"I'm sorry" V said pulling Jimin toward him and hug him tightly....
Jimin hit on his chest playfully...

"aawww" V said fully involved in acting....

"OK OK OK if u guys are over can I proceed" Taehyung said getting their attention...

"so u are married like half married husband so u wanna be a full married husband" Taehyung said pulling out ring...

"yes of course" V said and Taehyung slides the ring in his hand.....

They both shared a passionate kiss and hugged each other...

Hlo dear readers
Well the proposal don't went along as I thought because u know I'm single
Well no one proposed me like this
So I have no experience
I swear next time I will write this type of chapters after watching a proposal 😶😶
See u

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