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At evening.....
Kim family finally reached Paris..
When they reached to their hotel it's already 8 in the evening....
After reaching their they directly went to their respected rooms and after dinner drifted to dreamland.....

Next morning......
Kim family decided to roam around hotel....
They went to do shopping in a mall and to eat in a restaurant...

At evening
While returning to home
they found a park near the hotel..
They all went there....
"mom-dad can we go there,please we want to take that slides" Taemin and Minnie said with puppy eyes....
"OK, but don't create trouble to others" Jimin said with a smile...
They ran from there within few seconds...
"baby now they r also gone" Jimin said looking toward his husband....
"so" Taehyung replied....
"actually....----" Jimin tried to say but Taehyung stopped him...
"don't tell me u want to do something naughty in this park" Taehyung said with a smirk....
"shut up,u r always horny.... I'm just saying, now let's go for a walk just us" Jimin said....
Taehyung slapped himself internally......
"sure babyyyy" Taehyung said...
He took his hand and got to other side of the park......

With V.....
Today was his day off...
So he decided to go for a walk...
He went to the park far away from his home.....
He went in the direction where kids were playing....
He like to see how kids play....
This all Reminded him of his and Taehyung's and someone else's childhood....

When he was sitting there he saw 2 kids approaching him...
"dad where is papa" asked the first kid....
V was dumbfounded.... He was looking around him that anyone else is also sitting there.....
But he found no one....
"dad why r u looking here and there" asked the second kid...
"r u guys talking to me??" V said with questioning face.....
"dad r u drunk.... Afcourse we r talking to you" They both said...
"I'm not your dad, u r surely mistaken" V replied....
"dad u r really drunken.... By the way, where is papa" The kid asked.
"OK, so tell me what is your name" V asked the kids....
"dad~~~~ do u forgot my name is Taemin, and I'm Minnie" both kid said....
V made a 'o' face.....
Then V's bodyguard approached him and whispered something in his ear....
"by kids, I have to go now... I hope u find your dad and papa soon..." V said....
"by the way, what's your name? " Minnie asked to V...
"My name is V (I'm a good boy)" V replied and went from there...

Taemin and Minnie again started playing and forgot everything that happened few minutes ago...

After sometime Taehyung and Jimin came and saw their kids playing without causing any trouble......

"kids time to go back" Taehyung said to his kids....
"yes dad I'm coming...." Both the boys replied....

Sorry for a short chapter....
But I'm sick....
I'm not able to type more.....
See u soon....

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