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Taehyung was asking her some questions but she was flirting more than answering...

Tae closed her files and gave it back to her...
"u can go" He said...
"I'm selected sir" She asked...
"no sorry u can apply for another job" Taehyung replied...
"but why sir" She replied...
"because we don't have any job for a bitch like you here" V replied...
She glared and V...
He rolled his eyes and said...
"get out of here before I throw u out" He said and the lady went out angrily....

Taehyung looked at V with 'what the hell dude' face...
But V smirked like he won the trophy....

From past half hour it's same...
Some were trying to flirt with Tae and some were there just to meet him once...
He was getting really irritated by all this...
Even if some were not there with bad intentions V was finding dumb ways to reject them like...
Your hairs are not good, I didn't liked your dressing sense, you are wearing short or long clothes, u are wearing bad quality of makeup and blah blah..
(a/n : Bro that's not even a reason to reject someone 🙄)

Taehyung called the next person and he came inside while winking at V, V also winked at him with a flying kiss...

Taehyung was in shook to see Jimin in front of him...
He checked his file and asked him some questions about business...

V was side eyeing both of them...

Jimin was answering every question accurately...

Taehyung and V were also impressed by him....

He gave his file back...

"am I selected Mr. Kim" he asked...

"yes you are" V said not giving chance to Taehyung....

They both looked toward Tae for answer..
He picked his phone and dialed a number....

"Mrs. Choi please come inside"
"what happened Mr. Kim" she asked entering inside...
"Tell other candidates that I got my PA and send them home" Taehyung said getting up from his seat...
"yes sir" she said and went out...

"YES" V and Jimin said and shared a hug....

"both of u in my cabin now" He said going out of the room toward his cabin....

"yes Mr. Kim" they both said with a salute....

See u soon

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