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"well.... I love u 2 guys" V said and Taehyung and Jimin attacked him with kisses all over his face..
V was giggling...
After their little romance They all were sitting on bed...
"Taetae u had a project meeting today naa, how was it" Jimin asked..
"It was good but u know the CEO of hybe is really handsome" Tae said side eyeing V who blushed at his statement....
"really, so now you are cheating on us" Jimin said...
"when did I said I'm cheating, I just said he's handsome" Taehyung said with a 'dude logic' face...
"it's the same thing" Jimin said rolling his eyes..
"u know u can also meet him like right now" Taehyung again said...
"now u also got his phone number or are you stalking him, cheater" "Jimin said fake crying...
V was smiling while watching all this....
But he was also surprised that how can he think so much and so far...
"no baby it's not like that u already knew who is it" Taehyung said defending himself..
"why are you silent say something" Taehyung said looking toward V...
" uhh ohh haan " V said looking toward Jimin and Tae again....
"actually yes you already knew him" V said...
"who is he" jimin asked...
V pointed a finger toward him self and Taehyung also pointed a finger toward V.....
"so u guys are telling me that he is the CEO of hybe" Jimin said in disbelief...
They both nodded a yes...

Before he could say anything else Their moment got interrupted by sounds of someone talking and giggling in the living room...

They all went down and saw kids and Mr. And Mrs. Kim were back from the park....

That night 3 of them slept together in a room....
But not before finishing their early talking and arguments....
'both V and Taehyung were really glad that they got a life partner like Jimin who always understand them, and trust them without any doubt'

Next day Mr. And Mrs. Kim went back to Korea
Taemin and Minnie also wanted to go back to their house with grandparents..
So they let them go with Mr. And Mrs. Kim back to Korea......

Now just 3 sum idiots were there....

Taehyung was in his office...
Sitting and glaring at a file continuously...
"so let's open the past doors" He said to himself and opened the first page of file....
His facial expressions were changing within every second....
He closed that file with a loud thud...

He got a phone call....

"I guess u already done reading that file" ??? Said...
"who are you" Taehyung asked..
"about me.... Well I'm the person you are searching Taehyung" ??? Said with a devilish smile...

After that ??? cut the phone call..
Taehyung called again on that number but it was unreachable..

With Jimin....

On a phone call ✌🏻

Jimin : hello?
??? : hello Mr. Park oops Mr. Kim
Jimin : whose this?
??? : you don't know me, but I know you and also your secret...

Jimin got tensed after listening this...

Jimin : what secret, I don't know what are you talking about
??? : oohh no problem, I will help to remind you what I'm talking about...
After that ??? Cut the phone call..

Jimin was scared that what if his past started interfering in his present and future...
He tensed up and called a number on his phone...

With V

He was sitting in his cabin thinking about how his life is totally changed....
He got his lovers,how his life going on track.. but still a biggest mystery is unsolved....

Yes yes yes
Villain is going to execute his plan ✌🏼✌🏼

And that past....
lets see what is Jimin hiding from everyone...
And also what's that file is about......

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