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V entered in Kim crops...
Everyone was bowing to him...
He replied to everyone with a smile and went directly toward Mr. Kim's cabin...
(yes everyone knows that they are Kim twins and both are the owners... But they were little bit shocked to see him there for the first time)

"good morning Mr. Kim" Miss lee greeted him...
"good morning, and congratulations" V replied with a smile...
"thank you sir" she replied...
"welcome back to the company sir" She said with a smile...
"thank you Mrs. Choi, by the way where are you going" he again asked...
"ohh I'm going to give these papers to Mr. Kim... These the applications of candidates for new secretary" she replied...
"give it to me u can go to your cabin and take some rest" V said taking papers from her hand...
"thank you sir" she replied...
V smiled and went toward the ....

He entered inside the cabin without knocking on the door...
(like why he is also the CEO knocking is not important)

"good morning" V said while taking a seat in front of him...
"what are you doing here" Taehyung replied looking surprised by his presence...
"idiot is this how you reply" V said
Taehyung was giving him 'what bitch' look...
"I'm also the CEO it's my choice whenever I want to come I can come here" V said with a sassy look...
"reason idiot reason" Targeting replied...
"I heard you are looking for a new secretary so I'm here to help you" He replied...

"let's go" V said getting up from seat...
"where" taehyung asked with questioning face
"afcourse in meeting room for interview I swear you Are becoming a dumb day by day" V said rolling his eyes...
"sorry but u should say I'm becoming like you" Taehyung said hitting V's forehead....
"dumb and me... You bitch" V replied...

"male dog"



"tanned gorilla"

"white penguin"













"F*ck you"

"don't get horny between fight"

They both were glaring at each other...

But they got interrupted by a knocking sound on door..

"Mr. Kim Meeting is going to start soon." Mrs. Choi said coming inside...
"yeah I'm coming" Taehyung said fixing his suit

In meeting room...

Taehyung was sitting in front of table...
V settle down beside him...
He was wearing a mask so that no one can recognise him and he can do his work...

1st a lady in his twenties came inside..
V eyed the lady up to down and made a face like throwing up...
He put a hand on his chest...
That lady was wearing too much makeup, a short reveling dress and it was totally clear that she was here just to seduce him...

The lady saw another male's presence there and looked at him confusedly...
She shrugged her thoughts...

Let's continue in next chapter

Bye bye

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