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Next day he woke with sounds of doctors speaking and some equipments...
He was shocked by watching the front view...
He ran toward the person and hugged him tightly...
"I messed you, I love you so much" Taehyung said kissing V (on his cheeks....)
(lips not this soon 👀)
"I love you too hyyng" V said hugging him back...
But they felt something was missing, but they shrugged those thoughts off....
"if you guys are done, can we talk" Dr. Jin said chuckling....

Time skip....
After his check up...
"your reports are good Mr. Kim" Dr. Jin said....
"I guess u can go home tomorrow" Jin said...
"thank you Dr. Jin" Taehyung said with a smile....

In Korea.....
"HE IS STILL ALIVE HOW" a man shouted on persons standing in front of him....
"I'm sorry sir, but our men were not able to go inside the hospital, and we are not able to contact the man u sent there" that person said looking down...
A lady entered inside....
"please don't get too angry, it's not good for your health" lady said with concern....
"and u all get out of here" that lady ordered to every men standing there...
"now I'm going to take my last step, tomorrow we are going to Paris" That person said to lady..
He called someone and told them about his plan...

In Paris ---

Next day.....
Taehyung signed all the papers
And now they were sitting in car...
Taehyung on driver side and V on passenger side....
Taehyung was driving but his gaze was toward V
Who was sitting, looking out of the window....
He took V's hand and put it on gear lever....

(like this) 👇👇

A blush appeared on V's cheeks

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A blush appeared on V's cheeks..
He looked toward their hands and smiled... Taehyung was also smiling after watching his smile..
Both were enjoying each others presence but their minds were filled with lots of questions...
Somewhere they both were scared...
Somewhere they both know it's wrong...
But who cares....
They shrugged those thoughts off.....

Thank you so much guys....
Thank you for replying....
Let's know each other....
Where are you guys from?


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