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In past few days Taehyung was collecting information about his so called uncle aunt....
He tried to call Y/N but her phone was not reachable....
Everytime he tried to call her he received same response...

So he went to her hospital...

"where is doctor Y/N" Taehyung asked to the receptionist...
"sir she's on a seminar" She replied...
"when will she come back" he again asked...
"sorry sir but I don't know anything about this" She replied..
"it's OK thank you" he replied and went out of the hospital...

After leaving from there he came to his company, took some files and again went to his car....

With V.....

He was working in his cabin when his room door opened with a loud thud...
He flinched due to sudden actions....
"hyung u here, u really scared the shit out of me" V said putting hand on his chest....

"V give me files of last few day details...." Taehyung asked sitting in front of him....

V know that he is really serious by his way of talking at that moment so he collected all the files and put them in front of him...

Taehyung started checking them one by one...

He noted down some suspicious things in those files....

After marking all those things he showed all that to V....

V was reading all this but still didn't find out what Taehyung have to do with all this....

After Taehyung was done reading all those files V asked him...

"what is all this" V asked him...
"V listen baby I want to tell u something" Taehyung asked...
"what is it hyung" V said looking serious...

"actually I'm going to tell u that------- ( Taehyung took his phone and started a recorded audio of Y/N when she was telling all that to Taehyung )

V easily identified the owner of the voice and started listening it carefully.....
Taehyung checked V's facial expressions but he was not able to understand what exactly he was feeling right now....

A tear shed from V's eye...
His breath became uneasy, his vision got blurry, he was shivering...

Taehyung went toward him and hugged him...

He cleared V's tears...

"baby breath OK breath and hold it for 5 seconds with me ok" Taehyung said V started following him...

"now close your eyes for few seconds than open them and focus on 1 thing" Taehyung said...

V was doing everything as said...
After few minutes his breathing became normal....

Taehyung gave him water to drink...

"am I really that bad hyung.. This all started bcoz of me.... I'm really a curse, I killed her, Y/n left house bcoz of me" V said shedding tears....

Taehyung immediately shut his mouth down.... And hugged him tightly....

"what non sense are you saying, u r not a curse baby u r my baby, my love, Mine and Jimin's life, mom - dad's boy and most importantly You are Kim..... The Kim blood....and Y/n left that house to save this precious gem" Taehyung replied...

V didn't said anything just hugged him more tightly...


I'm just here to clear some doubts...

So basically...

When Y/n left that house her parents spread that rumor that she don't want An arrange marriage that's why she ran from the house..

When she met with V...
V asked him about all this rumors she agreed with all that just to hide the truth....

If u have any doubt about the story and u think that I missed anything just do 1 comment about it or u can dm me also....

Bye bye
thank you guys...

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