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Next day........

Jimin was in the kitchen....
Taehyung went to his brother's room to wake him up....
When he went inside the room he saw V was already up and ready in a expensive tuxedo suit..
"good morning, r u going somewhere" Taehyung asked...
"good morning, yes I told u naa we got a new project, so today we have a meeting" V replied...
Taehyung just nodded....
" let's go I'm hungry " V said pulling Taehyung out of the room toward the living room....
They both went to dinning room and saw Jimin was also coming out of the kitchen.....
"good morning guys" Jimin said looking toward his husbands...
"good morning" both the brothers replied...

Jimin was happy atleasst V was talking to him properly, not rudely, now he really believed that he just need some time...

They all set down on their chairs

There was silence but it was not awkward, it was a peaceful breakfast....
After breakfast V did goodbye and went to his meeting...

"Jimin r not u going to college" Taehyung asked....
"no, not in mood, I just wanna sleep today, I will go from tomorrow " Jimin replied...
Taehyung nodded.

After that Taehyung also left..

Jimin also went to his room to sleep.
Now only maids were there doing house chores....

V was in his car driving toward hospital....
He reached there at 9 : 50
10 minutes early
He directly went inside the doctors cabin...
" good morning doctor " V said with a smile....
" good morning, and u r 10 minutes early, seriously " Doctor said with a serious face...
" doctor I was just missing u " V replied....
" shut up and stop calling me doctor, don't be this much formal, call me with my name " Doctor replied...
" OK so YN " V said and YN just smiled......

Their long conversation took place and I will tell u in future they talked about......

"by the way congratulations finally u r married.." YN said with a smile..
" thank you, but I don't think it will work, u know my condition, what if something happens" V said with a worried expression .
YN smiled and said... " I know u will not try this, but atlest give it a try, behaive nice and be friend with him " ....
V just nodded and hugged her and went out of the hospital...

After that he went to the hotel where the meeting gonna take place....

In evening....
Taehyung reached home and saw Jimin was watching cartoons on TV....
Taehyung went near him and set beside him....
"oh u r back, how was your day?" Jimin said with a smile...
"it was good" Taehyung said with a smile...
"so u r watching Shichan... u know V also like this cartoon, he can see this show whole day" Taehyung said remembering that how V cry like a kid when he was busy with his work and can't watch his cartoon... Or when someone disturb him when he is doing the most important work of the world....

Taehyung received a call from his brother, he put the call on speaker.....
"hlo bro, I just called u to inform that I would be late due to this heavy traffic and I'm still in west part of city, so I don't know how much time it gonna take, so eat your dinner and sleep I will be back safely....." V said the whole in 1 sentence while driving...
"calm down, and OK, take care, come home safely" Taehyung said and they cut the call.....

"well u should go and change your clothes, I guess dinner will be ready in few minutes" Jimin said to Taehyung...

Taehyung nodded and went to his room....

After sometime maids called them for dinner....

After dinner they went to their room and drifted to dreamland quickly....

V reached home late night...
I also grabbed some dinner, after eating he also went to his room and drifted to his dreamland....

Next morning......

Taehyung saw that V was worried about something and not eating properly...
" did something happened " Taehyung asked...
V snapped out of his thoughts..
" hmm well I'm just thinking why did I even choosed this project ,now I'm not been able to watch Shinchan.. I'm gonna miss it's new episodes...." V said with a cute pout....
Jimin and Taehyung started laughing....
"OMG u r just worried about it, so then leave this project" Taehyung said...
" no no no no no no, I don't wanna leave this project " V said
" well I can sacrifice my life for some days " V said dramatically clearing his non existing tears...

After breakfast...

" when r u going college " Taehyung asked to Jimin..
"I still have some time, u can go, I will go in my car" Jimin replied..
After that Taehyung left the house...
After half an hour Jimin went to his car... He saw V was also there in his car...
"oh fuck" Jimin cursed...

Let's see what happened that he cursed......
See u sooonnnnnnn

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