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Time skip.....

Taehyung was waiting impatiently for that person to come back to Paris and to know what's the whole matter.....

It's finally the day of V's operation...
They were in a hospital for his last checkup....

V was all thinking about his life in past few days in Paris with Taehyung, Jimin and those to mischievous but the cutest kids..
He got a new hope to live, to live for this family, to take his revenge, to know this all mystery

While thinking all this his all checkup was done....

He met with Taehyung and Jimin last time before operation....
"u can do this champ" Taehyung said patting his shoulder.....
V nodded with a smile....
Jimin was worried but V gave him a assured smile that he will be OK....
Jimin smiled and nodded with tears in his eyes....
He hugged Jimin and kissed his forehead....

After that doctor took him to the operation room.....

Y/n called Taehyung in her cabin before operation....
"u know this operation is really risky" Y/n said worriedly....
Taehyung smiled and looked toward her... "u know that's not Kim blood"
Y/n nodded with a smile....
"but please not tell this to Jimin" Taehyung said and she just nodded...

After that Taehyung went from there and Y/n started discussing with doctor about the surgery and the complications, and told them to be ready for any type of emergency...

See u soon....
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