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Later that day....
Taehyung woke up and checked his phone while still lying on bed and hugging V.....
He was shocked when he saw 10+ missed calls from Jimin....

He woke up from bed, wore his clothes and went toward balcony to call Jimin...

On phone

Tae : Hello good morning darling....
Jimin : good morning my foot... Where are you guys... Do you guys even know how much worried I was.... Idiots....
Tae : darling actually my phone was silent and also u know after long time me and V were together so how the time passed we also don't know....
Jimin : I will tell you how the time passed. Just come home you both Mr. Kims....
Taehyung gulped he know now Jimin is really angry....
Before he could answer Jimin already cut the phone...
'R. I. P. Mr. Kim Taehyung' Taehyung thought and gulped....
He shrugged his thoughts and went inside the room and saw V still sleeping...
He went to washroom and after taking bath and taking some random clothes from V's wardrobe he changed his clothes.....
He checked V last time and went out of the room to cook something for them....
He cooked simple omelet bread toast with mango juice.....
He took their food tray and went back to V's room....
He saw V waking up slowly slowly....
"good morning" Taehyung said...
"good morning" V replied after waking up properly....
When Taehyung was putting food tray on side table he heard a loud thud from V's side....
V hissed due to sudden actions...
Taehyung started laughing....
"yaahhh, stop laughing and help me" V said with a flustered and annoyed face....
"ohk sorry" Taehyung said trying hard to control his laugh but failed....
"fuck you" V said glaring him...
"ya ya sure in your dreams, in reality it's opposite"
Taehyung said going toward him.....
He picked V in his arms and went toward the Bathroom to give him a quick bath.....

After freshen up they both did their breakfast.....

After that V called his manager telling him he can't come to office due to some problem...
And after that both left the house with V's bag packs and office papers.....

After reaching home
Taehyung called maids to put his things inside his room....

Taehyung took V in his arms and they went inside....
He put V on sofa......
Jimin came toward them with a concerned face...
"what happened to him, is he sick" Jimin asked....
"actually we were in gym and he done a lot leg exercise" Taehyung says....
V flustered at the comment but hided his cheeks and tried to act normal...

Jimin just nodded...

But somewhere they both know that Jimin is not satisfied by the statement....

Time skip

During evening time
They all were sitting literally doing nothing, they heard a doorbell
Taehyung went to open the door..
He was shocked to see person in front of him....

Now whose there....
New member or someone we know....????
Let's see

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