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After few years....

Everyone was spending their holiday in Haeundae Beach near Seoul....

"Papa can we all go and play there" A little girl asked to his father...

"sure baby... But be with elders... Don't go anywhere alone" His father replied...

"nothing will happen to her Jungkook uncle, we will take care of her" Taemin said assuring Jungkook...

Jungkook smiled at ruffled his hair...

"ohk little champ" He smiled and let them all went their....

Then he also went toward his husbands...

Yea yea I know husbands...

Yes after dating for 1 year... Namjoon, Jungkook and Jin got married and adopted 2 kids.. 1 boy and I girl....

Every elder was sitting on beach watching their kids all playing and enjoying in water...

"don't u guys think, they are growing too fast" J-Hope said...

"yeaa hyung... They were like this much small (doing gestures with his hands) yesterday, but now" Jungkook replied...

"well it's sad but I'm happy, it's been this long of us being in a happy family" Taehyung replied...

A/n : well they mostly spend their time with each other bcoz they are somewhere connected with their work... And also they found their comfort zone in each other..
So whenever they get time.. They like to spend with each other...

It's true that loving someone is not easy... But they found their love... And loving someone of same gender or being in a poly relationship is not a bad thing... People always say that love is blind... But they also criticize others for loving someone unconditionally...

They all faced same problems in a turn of their life... But who care  Until they are with each other.. Until they know their partner/s is with them...

                  THE END



yes yes so finally it's ending..
Thank you so much for your support till ending...

And as mentioned I'm going to update another ff...

Check out my profile
I had already posted the 1st epi of MINE MAFIA 💜💜💜

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