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Still past....

Mom : please listen us once....

Y/n : I'm giving you 10 minutes.. Just explain....

Mom : OK.... So according to rules our family always choose 2 heirs for family... And they are always the eldest kids... So Taehyuny and V clearly....
What we want that position for you.... Bcoz we want to give u a better future...
So for that we planned to Remove V from our way... So u can be the 2nd heirs.... For this we have done many things.... Everything to remove him.... Even we killed his girlfriend...... We also tried to kill him..... We tried to make his relation worse with his family..... But no.... Nothing works... I know u also want that position.... So will u help us...


*shedding tears*

Y/n. : I told u this earlier also that I'm not interested in all this...
Can't u guys understand....
I swear if u guys again tried to kill him... I will just finish myself....

Mom : Y/N *slapped her* ....we are doing all this for you... And this is how you are behaving...

Without saying anything else Y/n rushed toward her room...

Next day...

Today Kim brothers will finally become the heirs....
But Y/n knew that her mom - dad are planning something big for this day....

Daring breakfast....

Mom : it's our last chance... Hope it works....

Y/n : u can't do anything....

Dad : I'm really ashamed that u r my daughter..

Y/n : dad I'm more ashamed that I'm YOUR DAUGHTER....

MOM : Y/N....

Y/n : don't shout please....

After breakfast her mom - dad fall asleep....
Y/n smirked bcoz he mixed sleeping pills in their food...
And now they are not going to wake for next 10 hours....
Till then the occasion will be over

With the help of guards she shifted them to their room and she locked all the windows and doors... That by chance they got up then they can't come outside...

After doing all this... She got ready for the occasion...

On the occasion site...

V : Y/n u r finally here.

Tae : where's uncle aunt...

Y/n : actually they will come later... So are you guys excited... Bcoz I'm really excited to see u both at that level....

Tae : don't lie... I know u r excited bcoz u will get different type of food to eat...

Y/n : caught in a lie... Well--- ohk food is my priority.... But you don't have to say it like this...

Tae and V were laughing..

Y/n : now leave all this and let's go.... Function is going to start soon...

After occasion..

Y/n : thank God... Now they can't do anything.... But if they tried to kill him again.... I have to find a permanent solution....

Flashback end...

Tae : but why u left house...

Y/n : bc-oz I wa-s sca-red what if they tri--ed to kill hi-m again and bc--oz of me... So to s-top all this... I left the ho--use so that th--ey can't h--ave any rea---son to do so---mething lik--e that....

Tae : do he tell u why Don't like mom - dad

Y/n : I d-on't know.... I r--eally don't k---now....

Tae : but how V found you...

Y/n : ac--tually one day V ca-me to a h-ospital in bu--san... I also us-ed to work t-here earlier...
He fo-und me there... Bu-t I swear I did-n't told him anyt--hing...
But Then I come to k-now about his co-ndition....

*y/n was crying continuously*

Taehyung hugged her to calm her down....
Y/n also hugged him back....

Are you guys enjoying it???

Guess what I got 2 new vmin ff ideas.... I will start working on 1 soon after finishing this one....

Bye 👋 👋

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