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One evening
They all were sitting in living room
"V is there is something important, u called us in such a hurry" Taehyung asked to his brother.....
"yes hyung, actually I want to tell u guys something very important" V replied....
"what is it??" Jimin asked....
"a-a-actually I want something from u" he said pointing toward jimin....
"from me" Jimin was looking a little shocked.....
V nodded and pulled out some papers from his office bag....
"actually I need DIVORCE I can't handle this all anymore now" V said all this without any expression.....
"But -----" Taehyung was about to say something but Jimin stopped him....
"no Tae it's his decision, and I also don't have any problem with this, this marriage was just a deal for all of us" Jimin said while controlling his tears.....
Jimin signed the papers and give it back to V.....
V took the papers and went out of the house like nothing happened.....
On the other hand Jimin broke down on Taehyung's shoulder...
Taehyung let him cry till he want..
Bcoz he know it's only way to calm him down...
He was also angry on him but his eyes were also covered with tears.... Like how he didn't came to know about his own brothers feelings...

That night V didn't came home back....
Next day Taehyung called V in their private place.....

Both brothers were sitting in front of each other....

(Tae : Taehyung, V : V)

Tae : why r u doing this?
V : what I'm doing?
Tae : why r u giving him divorce.. ?
V : bcoz I want to, and we agreed on this before marriage that if anyone is not happy with this marriage he can give divorce...

Taehyung was not able to control his anger that how can V take such a big decision this simply...

Taehyung got up from his seat and Gave a Punch to V....
It results V to bleeding nose...
V also got angry and punched him back....
Tae : u r doing all this bcoz u got a new slut hmm??
V : don't utter a nonsense....
Tae : now I'm doing nonsense...
V : wow now u r against your brother bcoz of a stranger....
Tae : he is not a stranger V.... He is our husband....
Tae said while pulling him from his collar....
V : And I'm your brother.... Your own brother.... And he is not my husband... He is only your husband... And u know what...
I guess now your husband is more important to you than your brother.....
Tae : don't take it in other way...
V : I'm not taking it in other way hyung.... It was always like this...
From starting Mom - Dad loves u more than me.... Bcoz u always got first rank in your class... And I was always second....
From starting u were their favourite.... But I was a dumbfounded I always believed that they also love me... But I guess I was wrong.... They always thought about your happiness not mine... U always got what u want.... But I always got what u want... Not what I want.. And same thing happened during marriage... But I guess I didn't noticed anything..... Oh I'm sorry Mr. Kim Taehyung u r the owner of Kim's and I'm just your copy aka your u even know how much I had suffered.... No... No one knows.... Actually no one ever tried... Oohh.... Who care about a slave... Hmm... U r just like your parents.... Mr. Kim Taehyung.... And u r saying I'm taking it in other way.....

Taehyung didn't said anything
His grip loosened automatically and V got out from there without saying anything else.....

That evening he got back to the mansion to collect his luggage...

When he came down with his luggage he saw Taehyung and Jimin standing there...
"where r u going" Jimin asked in a sad but worried tone...
"I don't want to disturb u guys anymore.... I'm going out of country for some days...." V replied without looking toward them....
"when will u come back...." Taehyung asked in a deep voice..
"don't know.... I'm starting a new project there... So I guess it's gonna take few months or years.." V replied casually....
After that he went out without saying anything else....

V put his luggage inside the car and went toward the airport...
Aka private airport of Kim family....

On the other hand Jimin was blaming himself for everything that he is the reason of all this...
He is the reason why 2 best bros r not even talking to each other..
He is the reason why the Kim family got separate out.....
It was same with Taehyung.. He was lost in his thoughts.... He knows it was a big loss... But he also know that he must have did something earlier rather than regretting now...

V stopped his car in front of his private jet....
He saw a girl standing there in black jeans and white shirt with gold and silver chains on it....

He went directly to her and hugged her and break down in front of her....
He was no more able to control whatever was going in his mind..
"I'm a bad brother... I'm a bad person..." He said while crying..
The girl didn't replied anything bcoz she know it's good way to let him out all his emotions....
After 15 to 20 minutes he calmed down and looked toward the girl

"I'm sorry, now your clothes r all wet" V said looking embarrassed.
"it's OK, shirt doesn't matter, but your tears matter" Y/n replied with a smile...

Then the pilot came toward them and said.
"sir flight is ready, can we go now " he asked to V...
"Yaa sure let's go" V said going inside the flight with Y/n ...


What was V's past....??
Where is he going...?
Is he really going for a business trip or there is something else....??
What's his relation with y/n...?

Let's find all this further....

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