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Next morning.....
With Kim family during breakfast...
"dad, u know yesterday we found a person just like you" Minnie said....
"what, just like me?" Taehyung replied.... Still unaware what r they saying...
"but his name was too simple, u know" Teamin replied...
"oh really, what was his name" Taehyung replied jokingly...
"his name was..... Was..... V" Minnie replied....
Jimin and Taehyung got stunned after listening the name...
"wh...what...... Where did you found him" Taehyung asked shuttering....
"in the park when we were playing" Taemin replied...
"but some people came, they whispered something in his ear, and he left, otherwise we would surely let him meet you" Minnie replied with a sad pout....
"it's OK baby, we will meet next time, let's do breakfast now" Jimin replied....
Jimin saw Taehyungs face it has a different type of expression on it.... Not even anger, not happiness.... It was something else.....
"where u guys wanna go today" Taehyung asked suddenly while eating....
"museummmmmm" Both shouted in excitement.......
After breakfast.....
They all to their rooms to get ready....
Jimin literally wanna ask Him that what He is gonna do with this information that his brother is also here..... But he is also scared, what if he's in a bad mood....

With Y/N
While walking she bumped with someone....
She looked at the owner of this much broad chest...
then she started scolding him....
"do u know since when I was calling you.... V I'm talking with you, r u even listening to me..."
But when she saw who was with him....
Jimin and Kids....
Then I came to know...
His is not V

Taehyung POV....
While walking with my family
I bumped with someone....
When she saw me she started scolding me....
But one minute is she Y/n....
Why is saying V....
Did she know where is V....
But when she saw who is with me...
She stopped automatically....

End POV....

"Kim Taehyung" Y/n asked....

Suddenly Taehyung called her...
"Y/N you know where is V"
She didn't replied.....

"answer Y/N" Taehyung again asked...
She just nodded....
"Where is he?" Taehyung asked...
Y/n was about to answer but she got a phone call from..... V....
"pick up the call and put it on speaker" Taehyung commanded....
She nodded and put the phone on speaker....

Y/n : hello.....
V : h-hello, y/n......
Y/n : are you OK....???
V : no please come to hospital fast......
Y/n : u r again in hospital....
V : please just come fast....

Why is he in hospital...??
What's their future handling...??
What's their relation with y/n


By the way my mom scolded me that, why I'm getting sick at exam times.....
What can I do mooommmmmm

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