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Taehyung and Jimin were outside the operation room from last 1 hour... Their heart beat was increasing every time whenever doctors or nurses were going or coming outside....

After few hours they finally saw the red bulb got off which means operating done....
They both stood up from their seats and went toward the doctor..
"how is my brother doctor" Taehyung asked....
"well he's out of danger, but his condition is still not good..." Doctor said and went from there...
Then Y/n and other doctors and nurses also came out...
And Y/n told them that they can meet with him now... But don't disturb him.....
They both went inside....
But there was someone who was watching them from a distance and was on a call with someone..

With that unknown person....

"boss he is still alive, operation was successfull" That person said to the person on phone...
"ok" his boss said and cut the phone...

In Korea....

A man was standing in his rooms balcony...
Anger was showing clearly in his face....
"HOW CAN HE STILL BE ALIVE" he said in anger.... Throwing his phone in one end of the room..
A female looking like his wife entered inside...
"what happened... Why are you shouting" She said looking irritated....
"he's still alive... How... I'm trying to kill his from a long time... But everytime I'm failed... But not this time.... Now no one can save him.... No one..." Man said in anger with a creepy smile on his face.....
"and what we are gonna do with that Taehyung..... Now he is also with him... And that Y/n ...i don't even know why she is back...we can't kill Taehyung... But if there is need we will kill that girl like how we did with his lover I will not hesitate...." that woman said....

Sorry for short chapter....
But plot twist is here...
Let's find further in story....

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