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Taehyung was sitting on his chair with V and Jimin on his parallel side....
He played a video on his laptop and turned his screen toward them....
They both were smiling awkwardly after watching the video....

"may I know what's all this" Tae said raising his one eyebrow...
"bear/bubba------" they both replied giving world most innocent eyes....
'control Taehyung control' Taehyung said controlling himself from falling in those eyes

"that thing is not gonna work on me" He said rolling his eyes avoiding eye contact with them..

"Now. Tell. Me. What. The. Fuck. Is. This." he said putting pressure on his sentence...

A/N : let's see what they have don't now 🙄

Flash back

V : OK so tomorrow we will start our plan...
Jimin : hello not mine.. I still don't know the plan.. by the what's your plan..
V : u will know tomorrow.. Till then just wait...

Next day....

In evening....

Jimin : why we are in a hotel...
V : sshhhh... See there...
Jimin : she is Miss. Lee... What is she doing here...
V : she is here for meeting a client...
Jimin : what is in your mind....??? Are you going to kill her... Dude I don't want this job in this way....

After listening him V Was making a 'dude can u stop thinking studpid things' face....

When the meeting was over...

V took Jimin with him toward her..

V : hello Miss Lee
Miss Lee : hello, good morning sirs'...
V : what are you doing here...
Miss Lee : oh I'm here for a meeting... Now I'm just going back to the company...
V : come-on let's grab a coffee... We are meeting after a long time..
Miss. Lee : but sir....
V : no but I will tell him that u were with us...

They all were drinking coffee while chit chatting about random things...
V smirked when he saw that she completed her coffee...

Time skip at home :

Jimin : so we were there just to grab a coffee....
V : naah my plan is done...
Jimin : what plan and when... I swear Mr. V Kim are you going to tell your plan or not...
V : chill boo chill
(he said kissing him)
Jimin glared him...
V : OK not those eyes... So in that coffee I mixed ---
Jimin : POISON....
Jimin said shouting ..

V made a 'WTF' face...

V : please listen to me.... I'm saying added Viagra in her coffee ..


V : shhh you just take too much stress.... And she is married...

A/n : so u know what happened next.... And they got a good news after few days...

Flashback end

HELLO readers...
Well here is the chapter...
Well nothing special in this chapter...
Also I want a suggestion about what you want in this story....

Also I have one good news...

I have 2 vmin ff draft's

1. Soulmate

Both Jimin and V are power couples but they got some obstacles in their life which startled their perfect going life

In this there is no Top bottom...
Both are switch...
So we will get both top Tae and Top Jimin ....

2. Mine Mafia

Taehyung is a mafia... And Jimin is the rich CEO... 1 night they met in club and everything changed...

Top : Jimin
Bottom : Taehyung

So please tell me which one should I publish next... 😬

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