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In the Middle of night when Taehyung was going toward his brother's room to check him last time before sleeping....
He noticed that he is not in his room... He searched everywhere in his room, bathroom, but didn't found him....
He found a figure standing in the balcony .... He moved toward the figure and found V with a picture of a girl....
'I guess I have seen this girl somewhere but where....' Taehyung thought....

Taehyung didn't said anything and suddenly hugged V from behind....
V jumped from sudden touch but calmed down as he came to know who is he....
"you scared me" V said....
"sorry" Taehyung replied.....
"who is she?" Taehyung asked looking toward the photo....
"she's Riya" V said with a sad smile....
"not bad" Taehyung said..
"but she is mine, go with your lover Jimin ohk" V said rolling his eyes....
"don't say anything about my love bitch" Taehyung said with ha fake glare....
They both started laughing....

After some talk
While leaving V's room Taehyung was still in his thoughts that it's looking like he have seen Riya somewhere....

With V....
He was deep in his thoughts....
He was totally messed up in his mind....
He love Riya... There's no doubt..
But he also have feeling for Jimin... He is cute, responsible, hot, sassy, caring etc (he's 10 dude~🙄) ..... But he was just ignoring this fact by consoling himself that he love Jimin bcoz he is like Riya... Carefree, lovely, know how to take care of themselves .... But somewhere he also know that it's not like this.... He love Jimin bcoz he is Jimin not Riya....
He likes how Jimin take care of him, how he always ask him that if he need something....
A smile appeared on his face while remembering the past few days....

But shrugged it off and again ignored everything like everything even the fact that he love Jimin....

But he was somewhere excited that Taehyung is curious about where he has seen Riya... ' will he come to know about that secret also' he thought... And with that a nervous smile appeared on his face....

But then he also remembered what he has done with him few years ago he again become sad by the thought that he broke Jimin's heart.....

His smile dropped.....

While thinking all this again he drifted in his dream land.....

See u soon....... 💜😉

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