Chapter 1: That Warm, Fluffy Feeling

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"Matsuzaka-san, I like you. Please go out with me!"

The boy confessed his feelings, his cheeks were painted in a pink blush. The girl in front of him just stared, her expression unreadable. "I'm sorry, but I've already given my heart to someone else." she apologized quickly and ran off, leaving the boy to extend his arm in an attempt to catch hold of her. But the pink-haired girl with deep red eyes didn't stop to look back at him.

Satou Matsuzaka. A cute high school girl with bubblegum pink hair and curious red eyes. She had a perfect physique and charming smile. All the boys fawned over her and all the girls wished they could be like her. You'd think a girl as cute as Satou would have a boyfriend, right? Well, Satou has rejected everyone that's confessed to her, never feeling a single thing for anyone.

Why? Well, that's because she's already found her beloved!

In fact, Satou was running home to see them right now. Her eyes were glimmering and a light red hue settled on her cheeks, making her look quite bright. This feeling. This particular warmth. This sparkling excitement. There was no doubt about it. Satou was definitely in love!

The girl reached her apartment complex and ran for the elevator, hurriedly clicking the buttons and waiting for the machine to take her up to her floor. As soon as the elevator door opened, Satou dashed out of it and dashed off to her apartment, feeling the happiness within her grow every passing second. She unlocked her door, opened it, and stepped inside hastily.

"I'm home!" she announced brightly. After a few seconds, a person that looked to be around Satou's age peeked their head out from a corner. They smiled when they saw Satou. "Satou-chan! Welcome home!" they rushed towards her and dived into her arms. Satou happily spread her arms and caught the person in a warm embrace, holding them tightly against her. She was feeling so satisfied, just by hugging her beloved. It was so warm and pure. Satou could feel herself drowning in the person's warm scent, and she couldn't help but smile gently.

But, the person broke away from the embrace and faced Satou. "Did you have a good day today?" they asked. Satou nodded, her eyes sparkling when she looked at her beloved. "Satou-chan, I'm so glad you're home. I'll go and run your bath, and then we'll make dinner together!" her beloved suggested, turning to go and run the bath. "Ah, Y/N-chan, you're always doing so much for me. Why don't you relax and I'll do everything myself?" Satou offered. But her beloved shook their head defiantly. "You took me in and gave me a place to stay. I need to repay you for your kindness, Satou-chan! That's why I'm going to take care of you!" her beloved smiled.

Another bubble of warmth and purity burst inside of Satou, filling her up with a sweet sensation at those honey-coated words. She was at her happiest when she was with her beloved. "Y/N-chan, you're so hard-working and sweet. I love you so much!" Satou said in a dreamy voice.

Y/N took Satou's hand and held it in theirs. They raised her hand up to their chest and pressed it against their chest, closing their eyes. "I love you, too, Satou-chan!" Y/N cheered, causing Satou to clasp her other hand onto theirs. Satou felt that she might faint from the euphoric feeling. Y/N went to run the bath, leaving Satou to stare after them, a satisfied look on her face. Satou walked to the bathroom and saw her beloved filling up the bathtub with water. They left Satou to bathe on her own as they went to prepare the ingredients for dinner. Satou sighed in the bathtub.

"Y/N-chan, you truly are my one and only love.." she mumbled to herself. Soon, she finished her bath and put on some clean clothes. Satou went to the kitchen and began preparing dinner with her beloved. They cooked curry with rice, and it tasted insanely delicious! Y/N served two helpings on the table and both of them sat down to eat. "So, Satou-chan, how's your part-time job going?" Y/N asked as they scooped a spoonful of curry and rice into their mouth. "Actually, I'm going to have to quit that job. The place doesn't pay good. I'm going to get another part-time job at a much cuter cafe!" Satou explained. Her beloved looked curious. They talked for a bit more, then cleared away the dishes. It was time for bed. But Y/N and Satou did something before bed. A sort of seal to ensure that Y/N loves Satou, and that Satou loves Y/N. Wedding vows.

Satou tossed the blanket over her head, forming a pure white veil. Y/N did the same. Y/N placed their hands on Satou's shoulders delicately. "I promise to be true to you, Satou-chan. Through sickness and through health, no matter rich or poor, and until death do us apart.." Satou's red eyes were glowing underneath the moonlight. The love she felt was overflowing in her heart.

"I will love you forever, Satou-chan." Y/N concluded lovingly, drawing their lips forward and planting a gentle kiss on Satou's forehead. It was as if heaven had reached out to touch her heart. Satou looked into Y/N's eyes, admiring how they had a gentle glimmer of happiness as they gazed at her. The both of them dragged the blankets into the bed and snuggled underneath them, hugging each other under the covers. Satou placed her head against Y/N's, wanting the both of them to just stay like that forever. Happy and at peace, in each other's arms.

But it can't. Satou's serene expression suddenly changed as she looked up at the plain ceiling. She needed to make money so that she and her beloved could live a lovely life. Food, clothes, water..she needed to work hard and ensure her beloved was forever comfortable. Y/N opened their eyes and noticed the seriousness in Satou's face. "Satou-chan? Are you alright?" they asked, the concern in their voice making Satou's heart race. She slowly caressed Y/N's cheek with her hand. "I'm fine, Y/N-chan. Let's go to sleep now, okay?" Satou said quietly.

Y/N smiled and nodded, snuggling closer to Satou in an attempt to make her feel happier. It definitely worked. Satou closed her eyes, all her worries leaving her when she felt the warmth of her beloved beside her. Everything was perfect, as long as her beloved was with her.

The next morning, Satou woke up early to go to school. She was upset at having to leave her beloved behind again, but she knew she had to. Satou got ready as quietly as possible, not having the heart to wake Y/N up. Their sleeping face was just too cute for her! Satou tied her hair up like she usually did and got her bag. As she was putting on her shoes, she heard light footsteps rounding the corner. Satou looked behind her and saw Y/N there, rubbing their eyes sleepily. It was so adorable that Satou wanted to rush up and hug Y/N like the world was ending.

"Satou-chan, are you leaving? If so, then I'm here to say 'bye'." Y/N said, taking a few steps forward. "Mhm, I need to leave or else I'll be late. I'll see you in the evening, Y/N-chan, since my new job starts today." Satou said, slipping on her shoes. "I see. Have a good day, Satou-chan!" Y/N said, doing a small wave. Satou smiled when she saw that cute gesture and waved back.

The girl stepped out of her apartment and began walking down the corridor. Personally, she would rather stay home and spend time with Y/N for the rest of her days. But she knew she had to keep up the appearance that she was an innocent high school girl. Plus, she needed to work hard at her part-time job so she could earn money. So that she could come home and show Y/N all the money she's earned, and hear her beloved's praise and feel her beloved's warm hugs.

The thought motivated Satou and she began picking up the pace. 'Things have been so much happier ever since Y/N-chan showed up! I never thought I would have anyone to love. But Y/N-chan came and taught me all about this warm, fluffy emotion. Yep, this is it. My new life.' Satou had a pep in her step. Her red eyes gleamed with joy and her face was flushed from happiness.

'This is my Happy Sugar Life.'

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