Chapter 12: Jealousy

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Satou walked in silence. She had a lot of things to think about. There were countless bitter emotions that were swirling inside of her, they were all so new and foreign. Satou had never felt this way before. It wasn't the bitterness she was used to. This was much more unbearable. She paid no mind to anything that was happening around her. Her expression was unreadable. The only sound she could focus on were the clicks of her shoes as she walked down the streets.

She came to a dark alley way and made a sharp turn. She walked into the alley way, still silent about everything. Satou felt that she needed to be away from any distractions, there was so much going on inside of her, she needed to gather everything in one place and think about it. She came to a stop when she could no longer hear the sounds of the city. Her face tilted upwards, causing her bangs to brush back and reveal her wide, sullen eyes. They were filled with worry and shock. But most of all, disbelief. 'My emotions...I couldn't control them.' she thought in shock. That was something Satou could easily do. She recounted everything that happened.

'I'm relieved. That was a close call. If...if I had gotten rid of that thing right there and then..' Satou felt like she was underwater. Everything was overflowing. But she didn't show it. She looked down. 'But what am I even feeling? It's not like I don't know what bitterness is.' she was troubled and tried to battle herself. Her mind drifted back to the smug faces of her old manager and her teacher. She clenched her fist. 'But this felt so intense..nothing like I've ever felt before.'

'Just recalling everything that happened makes me taste the bitterness again. What is this?' even under the silver moonlight, her blood red eyes were still dark and dull. 'What is this feeling?'

'Is it anger? Or maybe it's pain? What if it's something to warn me? I've never felt anything like this before.' Satou looked down at her shoes. She stared below her as she tried to figure out this new emotion she was feeling. She couldn't for the life of her pin point what this feeling was. 'I feel bitter. So bitter..' her mind drifted back to it, causing her to grit her teeth. She shook her head vigorously, trying to shake those thoughts out of her. 'Stop drifting back to that! If I lose myself, then I could lose this bond I have with Y/N-chan. I need to understand what I'm feeling so I know how to control myself.' Satou desperately reasoned with herself. She took a deep breath.

'When I was back there, I had a vision. A vision of Y/N-chan and that thing saying those vows to each other. And then...I could feel a bitter taste exploding onto my tongue. It flooded my mouth. I just couldn't handle it.' Satou could see her love jar. It was filled up with Y/N's sweet pieces of love. A thick, black liquid was swallowing those sweet pieces, overflowing and spilling everywhere. Satou hated what she was seeing and feeling. It was too painful to bear.

'I can't one and only love being with another person. This it jealousy?' Satou had a new thought pop into her head. She parted her lips partly in realization. "Jealousy..." she mouthed, letting the word roll off her tongue. Satou was silent.

It was like shooting stars were falling. They were illuminating the sky with their beautiful light, just as they were doing to Satou's eyes. They glimmered with joy. The girl turned and skipped out of the alley way, a shining aura surrounding the once trembling student. 'Jealousy? That makes me so happy! Because...' Satou's heart sang as she thought over this new feeling.

'This strange emotion...this pain in my chest, it was all from the love I share with Y/N-chan, right?' Satou let out a low giggle. She couldn't contain her excitement. She had a spring in her step as she skipped in the direction her apartment was located. She passed two men. They saw the girl and thought she was pretty cute, smiling so widely. "Hey, little girl." Satou stopped and turned to the two. "You going home? How about you hang with us for a bit?" they offered. Satou couldn't bring herself to feel disgusted. She simply smiled and replied in a happy tone:

"I'm sorry, but my one and only love is waiting for me to come home!"

Satou skipped and she skipped. Her joy was pratically bursting and flowing everywhere. 'I can't thank you enough, Y/N-chan!' she thought to herself. 'I feel as though I've been reborn a second time.' Satou saw her apartment complex and felt excitement flow through her. She ran up to the complex, a bright smile adorning her adorable features. 'Ah, I just can't wait to get back home! Back home to my dear happy sugar life!' she thought as she stared at the apartment complex.

Satou clicked the button of the elevator. She patiently waited for it to come to the floor she was on. 'I thought this didn't really matter that much, but...' her thoughts formed the image of that woman. She felt determined. 'I'm going to make sure Y/N-chan never meets that thing. Never.'

The elevator doors opened and Satou stepped inside. She ran her fingers up all the buttons until she found the floor she was staying on. The very top of the large building. 'If that thing happens to distrupt anything between me and Y/N-chan, then...' The elevators doors closed, a small gap revealing the murderous look on her face. 'I'll need a strategic way to get rid of her.' the doors completely closed and Satou waited for the elevator to take her up to the top of the bulding.

When she got to her floor, Satou could feel the unmistakable sense of excitement. She walked out, her arms swinging by her sides in a carefree way. 'It's going to be alright. Next time, no matter how bitter it feels, I'm going to endure it. For now, I just want to tell Y/N-chan all about my feelings.' she thought to herself happily. Satou unzipped her bag and pulled out her keys.

"Y/N-chan, I'm home!" Satou called from outside. She fitted the key into the lock and turned it, expecting to hear the usual click from the lock being unlocked. But this time was different. The was already open. Satou stood there for a moment, staring at the key with a blank look.

Her bangs fell over her face. But there was undeniable glint of bloodlust and fear in Satou's red eyes. They weren't sparkling like before. Now, they were staring daggers at the unlocked lock.

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